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None Yet 0 Points 1978
None Yet 0 Points 1976
Great 83 Points 1970

Essential though Patton may be – as war movie, as American history, as biopic – it’s not the epochal statement the Academy thought they were canonizing with seven Oscars in 1971, including Best Picture. Back then Frances Ford Coppola’s script seemed subversive, undermining American militarism …

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WikChip Image If I had my way, I'd meet Rommel F2F.
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Where Eagles Dare
Perfect 13 Points 1968

Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood lead a group of Allied Soliders on a mission to infiltrate a Nazi Fortress in one of the greates war and greatest action films off all time. The last hour is solid action and puts basically anything recent to shame.

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The Dirty Dozen
Perfect 22 Points 1967

Best cast ever. Best men on a mission war movie ever.

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Great 66 Points 1966

Judith features Gentile moviestars playing Jewish freedom fighters during Israel’s War of Independence. It’s amazing how glamorous a story centered on early kibbutz life at the end of the British Mandate can be.

To that end, Judith is a fabulous Sophia Loren movie. The great Loren stars a…

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WikChip Image Kibbutznick Extraordinaire
Doctor Zhivago
Great 66 Points 1965

A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. The sugar: a terrific love story. The medicine: the wanton cruelty and dehumanization endemic to the nascent Soviet Union. Director David Lean – King of the Epics – reunited with Omar Sharif and several essential crew members from "Lawrence of Ar…

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WikChip Video They don't make 'em like they used to.
The Sound of Music
Great 23 Points 1965

The Sound of Music is one of those iconic films that everyone should see. Perhaps for some, it will entail some suffering through 60’s era cliches and life-glossed-over portrayals, but it does entertain. Julie Andrews was in her prime and Christopher Plummer is the happiest you’ll ever see of h…

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Really Great 66 Points 1965

Morituri is a terrible title for a movie, now and in 1965 when this Brando-Brynner warhorse premiered. If that wasn’t bad enough, Marlon Brando refused to do publicity, limiting himself to one line of perverse grandiosity. The movie bombed. So they renamed it The Saboteur: Code Name Morituri

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Marriage Italia...
Perfect 66 Points 1964

A pre-sexual revolution Italian trifle, Matrimonio All’Italiana packs a considerevole punch 50 years on.

Consider Sophia Loren – in her prime. Screen sirens come no hotter or more joyous.
Just 30 when Marriage Italian Style was made, she plays 17 stunningly and 37 powerfully.


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WikChip Image Sophia Loren's Filumena, fully grown