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Very Good 83 Points 2013

Not as good as it thinks it is or was cracked up to be, Prisoners nonetheless proves to be an involving, impressive and ultimately satisfying thriller. It’s worth being imprisoned inside a theater for 2½ hours.

Yet sleazy storytelling-tricks weigh it down and a grimly enthusiastic desire t…

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WikChip Image Two men tortured by the same crime
Gone Girl
Great 66 Points 2014

Gone Girl stirs the pot, no doubt about that. Premiering amidst the NFL-stoked domestic violence uproar, this sordid thriller about a wife’s murder is akin to throwing gas on a fire. But never mind all that societal stuff, is it a good movie? Yes, a great one, albeit far from perfect.

The es…

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WikChip Image Smile! Oops, maybe not.
Ride Along 2
Pretty Bad 66 Points 2016

Kevin Hart mugs strenuously throughout Ride Along 2, but it’s not nearly enough to give the movie comedic lift. Indeed, there’s only one other comic actor in the cast with him and that’s Ken Jeong, who is more annoying than funny. Everyone else is a straight man, which means the movie simply is…

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