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Very Good 6 Points 1982

A stupendously funny premise about an actor in Hollywood who dresses in drag to get a job.

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Top Gun
None Yet 0 Points 1986
Touch of Evil
Very Good 69 Points 1958

“Do you realize I haven’t kissed you in over an hour?” says Charlton Heston to Janet Leigh at the end of Touch of Evil’s famous opening scene, three and a half minutes of directorial perfection. One long tracking shot, it features close-ups leading to long shadows, followed by long shots of cho…

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WikChip Video Touch of Genius: the legendary opening
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Trading Places
Good 66 Points 1983

Trading Places hasn’t aged well. A morality tale full of shopworn caricatures more than a continuously effective comedy, it remains notable for its rich production values and big stars — Aykroyd, Curtis, etc. Eddie Murphy – in particular – rescues the movie in one of his early smash performa…

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WikChip Image Eddie Murphy rescues the movie.
Great 66 Points 2017

The three men who led the Russian Revolution – Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin – come alive in Trotsky, a 2017 Russian miniseries. Caveat emptor, Trotsky is a Putin-era Russian production that takes some dramatic and therefore historical license, plus features at least one R-rated sex scene per e…

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WikChip Video Global tragedy made sleek and sexy
True Romance
Good 66 Points 1993

Quentin Tarantino defines True Romance more than the major stars who are in it – Brad Pitt, Christopher Walken, Samuel L. Jackson & James Gandolfini included – or its big-time director, Top Gun Tony Scott. Pulp fiction and Mexican standoffs mark…

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WikChip Video Crazy Kids
Very Good 66 Points 1988

A richly stylized biopic of larger-than-life automotive entrepreneur Preston Tucker, this Francis Ford Coppola movie revels in 1940’s period trappings as much as in its story. Self-consciously retro, nearly surreal, its characters exist just this side of parody. Still, supercharged perkiness li…

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WikChip Image Tucker Combat Car with a Tucker Turret
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Twelve O'Clock ...
None Yet 0 Points 1949
Two for the Road
None Yet 0 Points 1967
Under the Skin
Great 83 Points 2013

Scarlett Johansson has never been more alluring or revealing than in Under the Skin, her second inhuman hottie role of the year. Her gave us her voice. Under the Skin gives us her body, extraordinary face and all. Serious ScoJo fans must see it, the adventurous ones anyway. It’s a super…

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WikChip Video Some Seriously Weird SciFi Fantasy