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American Gigolo
Great 66 Points 1980

American Gigolo kickstarted the Eighties. It made the Seventies suddenly – instantly – yesterday. Unkempt & brassy gave way to sleek & sophisticated, disco to New Wave. How? Gere wearing Armani, driving a Mercedes, listening to Blondie in Schrader’s glimmering California masterpiece, that’s…

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WikChip Video The Call Me intro defined the Eighties
The Kennedys
Great 66 Points 2011

The Kennedys no longer occupy the white-hot center of American consciousness, as they did in the Sixties. The Kennedys, a high quality docudrama, reminds us why they held that position nearly thru the Nineties. Ultimate 1%ers, they looked, acted and misbehaved like royalty, yet became beloved…

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WikChip Image Katie's Jackie mourning JFK or her ma...
Very Good 66 Points 2005

What we have here is a hard-boiled High School movie. Students in and around an underground drug ring allow Brick to revel in deceit and ironic detachment. Rian Johnson’s first movie then leavens itself through Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s romantic heroism.

So what if JGL is mid-twenties posing …

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WikChip Image Richly Romantic: JGL & Nora Zehetner
Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
Alpha Dog
Very Good 66 Points 2006

Suburban drug running goes tragically awry in this fictionalized account of a real Southern California murder. Nearly as alarming as the 2000 murder is the callow nihilism of the SoCal teens and twentysomethings involved with it. Living in comfort, they admire the gangsta doggs celebrated on MT…

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WikChip Image Justin Timberlake: Dude can act.
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Linda Lovelace gets her story told her way, finally. While the whole truth doesn’t fully out, the truthyness of her bizarre celebrity does, making Lovelace a worthwhile 90 minute investment for the curious.

Her’s is the story of a pimp as much as a porn actress. A scumbag named Chuck Trayn…

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WikChip Image Here's where she starts to get screwed.
Mojave Moon
Very Good 66 Points 1996

Angelina Jolie & Anne Archer’s seductive performances elevate Mojave Moon from failed laffer to delightful catnip.

The movie’s about two exceptionally seductive women and the men they attract. Angie plays Anne’s daughter ‘Elie’ Rigby, which has to be the cutest nickname ever. Danny Aiello, 5…

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WikChip Video Angie's seductive diner scene: Wowza
Popstar: Never ...
Very Good 66 Points 2016

Andy Samberg and his Lonely Island confreres Akiva & Jorma go big in Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, Justin Bieber big. The Biebs and other hip white popstars from Ringo Star to Adam Levine are the target of this big budget satire. A couple dozen celebrity cameos goose the Grammy Quotient, …

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WikChip Video All The Good Stuff
Blood Father
Really Great 66 Points 2016

An awkward title is about the only thing wrong with Blood Father, a terrific piece of pulp fiction starring a never better Mel Gibson. Bad Dad would be a better title, what with Bad Moms all over the multiplexes right now. That said, this dark…

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WikChip Video Mel knows AA meetings from real life.
Rumor Has It
OK 66 Points 2005

More drama than comedy makes Rumor Has It more trouble than it’s worth, especially for a middle-aged dude like me. Romcoms are good when they’re funny and sexy. Rumor Has It nails sexy but wiffs funny.

Jennifer Anniston is more irritated than comedic, yet still sexy as hell. Thus, this "c…

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WikChip Video Great Bit by 2 Great Stars