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Dial M for Murder
Good 66 Points 1954

Dial M for Murder is lesser Hitchcock, yet worth watching for its classic tropes, timeless title and for Grace Kelly. But, the convoluted and constrained plot is insufficiently removed from its stage play roots.

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WikChip Image Hitch loved blond: Grace Kelly's Gold...
From Russia wit...
Good 66 Points 1963

The best Bond? Hardly, notwithstanding its haughty reputation and terrific title.

Connery’s in rare form, granted. However the Bond girls are … who are they again? Former beauty queen Daniela Bianchi and a pair of Gypsies. Hardly Ursula Andress, Halle Berry or Jane Seymour.

The übervi…

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WikChip Image Connery & Miss World Runner-Up
Color Me Kubrick
Good 66 Points 2005

Color Me Kubrick isn’t for everyone. It was worth viewing for me because of its lens into the London show biz scene and its masterful Malkovich performance. I’d wager the more you know show business the more you’ll like this true show biz story about some nasty funny business. BTW, it’s also …

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WikChip Video It's all going so well, then it's not.
Killing Kennedy
Good 66 Points 2013

Killing Kennedy could easily be titled Kennedy’s Killer given its salutary focus on Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK we knew. It’s unfortunate then that Killing Kennedy spends time on the Leader of the Free World’s womanizing. Given 90 minutes of real runtime, bikinis take away from also understanding …

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WikChip Image Killing Kennedy brings this to life.
The Way Back
Good 29 Points 2011

A dramatic survival story amidst panoramic and equally dramatic scenery. The Way Back tells a tale of several men who escape the brutality of a Siberian gulag in the early 40’s to trudge their way through vast expanses of differing landscapes: a fierce Siberian winter, forests, tundra, desert,…

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Good 83 Points 2007

Contemporary thriller-on-a-train, ultimately gripping though it takes a while to get there, not unlike an interesting train trip. Woody Harrelson and Ben Kingsley bring star power to writer-director Brad Anderson’s well constructed movie, though the script and secondary characters are also first…

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Mission: Imposs...
Good 83 Points 2011

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Pay $15 for an IMAX sequel that spurns the music and conventions that defined Mission Impossible in the first place and that fails to induce vertigo, IMAX or no. Doesn’t seem a worthwhile value in these recessionary times.

MI – GP is a good movi…

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WikChip Image Famous nose meets self-destructing fone
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BigdaddyDave – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
The Death of St...
Good 66 Points 2018

Cults of personality hit peak absurdity when their object dies, as vividly satired in The Death of Stalin. Unfortunately, this political comedy is more smart than funny. Hence, its LOLs are few and far between.

Stalin funny? Yeah, even though he stands nearly alone in megalomaniacal evil, be…

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WikChip Video The Banality of Evil, Satired
Good 83 Points 2011

As Liam Neeson movies go, Unknown is a bit sub-par. It bears a resemblance to the Taken duo in that he’s an American on the run from and after bad guys in a European capital, but its plot is way more mysterious. Too mysterious, even though it reve…

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WikChip Image Bad Taxi Ride: Neeson & Kruger
The Third Man
Good 66 Points 1949

Classic film noir doesn’t necessarily age well, The Third Man a case in point, cool cover notwithstanding. Slow and stilted by contemporary standards, it nonetheless deserves its status as a benchmark of the genre, if not the perfect rating so many give it. Most intriguingly, it would make a …

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WikChip Video The movie's better than the trailer.