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The 9th Company
Good 17 Points 2005

In the US, not much is understood about the Soviet war in Afghanistan. This movie follows new recruits as they are thrust in to the bloody, dirty mess. It seems they picked the craziest mo-fo’s for Afghanistan though — at least that’s the impression you get watching. The fighting starts out …

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The Band's Visit
Great 84 Points 2007

Relaxed and delightfully deadpan, with several LOL moments, The Band’s Visit works as a perfectly pleasant comedy and as a signpost for how Israelis and Arabs can live together as neighbors. The movie uses a classic fish-out-of-water situation to achieve more than a few moments of inspired comi…

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The Best Exotic...
Very Good 17 Points 2012

Take a colorful cohort of old British retirees, send them to India where they’ve been promised an elegant and beautiful spot to retire, and then make lemonade from lemons. Best Exotic is a cute film, with an endearing quality that kept me (the most avid of action short-attention-span film love…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yeah - that's a fair assessment
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Debt
Really Great 83 Points 2011

A mashup of Israel’s bravura capture of Adolph Eichmann and the moral confusion of Munich, The Debt pays off almost completely, missing perfection by ceding reality. Well that and because the Mossad agents’ reluctance to kill the fictional Surgeon of Birkenau annoys as much as it galvanizes….

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WikChip Image The two visages of Rachel Singer.
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Devil's Double
Perfect 83 Points 2011

Saddam Hussein’s elder son Uday savaged Iraq for decades until US Special Forces took him out in 2003. The devil gets his due in The Devil’s Double, a high octane biopic based on his body-double’s memoirs.

From outrageous tragedy a magnificent movie emerges, momentous as a hurtling Mercede…

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WikChip Image Pacino's Scarface? Cooper's Funnyface.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
The Eagle Huntress
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Mongolian men have hunted with eagles for a millennium, an amazing partnership of human and raptor. Now the eagle hunters have welcomed a female, and a mere girl of 13 at that. This crisp documentary about that eagle huntress awes and uplifts in equal measure, the latter from its cheerful female …

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WikChip Video Drones were key to making the film.
The Expendables 2
Very Good 66 Points 2012

I missed 1.0 but 2.0 made for 1 helluva fun night at the movies.1 We’re talking manly duets out the wazoo.

  • Stallone and Statham
  • Stallone and Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth
  • Stallone and Van Damme
  • Stallone and Lundgren
  • Stallone and Willis
  • Stallone and Schwarzenegger (a name that exi…
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WikChip Image Damnable Van Damme: Easy to Hate
The Grandmaster
OK 66 Points 2013

Stately to a fault, reverential to an extreme, The Grandmaster is kung fu cinema elevated to formal art. Stodginess aside, it no doubt lingers in the mind’s eye of hard core kung fu fans, let alone for the legendary Ip Man’s disciples. For the rest of us – focused on the Bruce Lee connection …

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WikChip Image Hey, isn't that little Bruce Lee?
The Hangover Pa...
Good 88 Points 2011

Go in with expectations lowered and laugh your ass off. Self-conciously redundant and even more misanthropic, Part II feels like The Hangover’s hangover. That said, it’s funny as hell. LOL bombs rain down early and often.

It’s also distinctly edgier than the original. Yes that’s possibl…

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WikChip Image Dorky Doctor Marries Another Doll
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":
The Hornet's Nest
Very Good 17 Points 2014

Gritty, stressful, and suspenseful documentary of life in Afghanistan’s war zones. Well aided by dramatic narrative, shooting, and even music added to the suspense. But possibly the most impactful part of the movie is the closeness to the action that the father and son reporters were: down to …

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