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The Expendables 2
Very Good 66 Points 2012

I missed 1.0 but 2.0 made for 1 helluva fun night at the movies.1 We’re talking manly duets out the wazoo.

  • Stallone and Statham
  • Stallone and Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth
  • Stallone and Van Damme
  • Stallone and Lundgren
  • Stallone and Willis
  • Stallone and Schwarzenegger (a name that exi…
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WikChip Image Damnable Van Damme: Easy to Hate
300: Rise of an...
Very Good 66 Points 2014

300: Rise of an Empire is Greek history through a fantasy lens darkly, prequel and sequel to the ‘06 hit about King Leonidas and his band of 300. The new movie’s nearly 4x Reality factor stems from Frank Miller’s graphic novel, full of vainglorious liberties, supernatural contrivances and hist…

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WikChip Video Representative Excerpt in Trailer 2
The Last Emperor
Very Good 17 Points 1987

This history of Pu Yi – the last emperor of China is quite the epic. Chinese history is not well known to most, never mind the complicated transition from Empire, to Nationalism, to Japan domination, and finally to communism. Pu Yi was born in to emperor-hood, was ousted by chiang kai shek, cozie…

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Three Kings
Very Good 83 Points 1999

Three Kings succeeds magnificently as cockeyed caper movie, less so as metaphor for America’s abortive involvement in Iraq following the Persian Gulf War. The former unspools propulsively as George Clooney’s disgruntled commando leads a ragtag crew on a crazy hunt for Saddam Hussein’s gold. T…

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WikChip Video Exploding Cow, Unplanned Responsibili...
Megan Leavey
Very Good 83 Points 2017

This is a damn good Iraq War movie, apolitical and told through the eyes of Marines who walked through the sands of hell. Plus, it’s a great Marine Corps movie overall. So why did it flame out at the theaters?

Start with the bad title. Megan Leavey is easy to say once you hear it, but is kin…

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WikChip Video The real Megan & Rex at Yankee Stadium
Life of Pi
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Portraying religious faith amidst tragic hardship is a lot of weight for a mainstream movie to carry. Fortunately Life of Pi features visual wonders and frequent grace notes to lighten the load, resulting in an exhausting if moving cinematic experience.

The movie is taken from the celebrate…

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WikChip Image Boy, Tiger, Whale: Wondrous
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Best Exotic...
Very Good 17 Points 2012

Take a colorful cohort of old British retirees, send them to India where they’ve been promised an elegant and beautiful spot to retire, and then make lemonade from lemons. Best Exotic is a cute film, with an endearing quality that kept me (the most avid of action short-attention-span film love…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yeah - that's a fair assessment
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Hornet's Nest
Very Good 17 Points 2014

Gritty, stressful, and suspenseful documentary of life in Afghanistan’s war zones. Well aided by dramatic narrative, shooting, and even music added to the suspense. But possibly the most impactful part of the movie is the closeness to the action that the father and son reporters were: down to …

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Hyena Road
Very Good 17 Points 2015

So, apparently Canadians were in Afghanistan as well. Hyena road is a highly entertaining hodgepodge of intense fighting, espionage, politics, and even a love affair thrown in. Although the Canadians are known for their cool, Hyena doesn’t hold back on the intense fighting and gruesome details,…

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Girl Model
Very Good 66 Points 2011

Like most industries, the modeling industry has a supply chain. Girl Model documents one tawdry strand, originating in the tiny villages of Siberia and ending in the glitzy salons of Japan.

It’s not a pretty picture. It is full of pretty girls, many shockingly young. The Japanese like pub…

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WikChip Image Model scout: Regrets? She's got a few.