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47 Ronin
Good 17 Points 2013

Keanu Reeves sticks out like a sore thumb in this Asian world of mythical beasts and samurai warriors. A little overly dramatic and actually could have used more monsters, but more-than-decent sword action and a satisfying reverence to a samurai tradition makes for a decent stream or in-flight m…

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Good 17 Points 2016

Silence is a long and plodding film with plenty of forced drama from Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver as Catholic missionaries returning to Japan to find their mentor (Liam Neeson) after his failed attempt at converting the Japanese to true Christianity. Scorcese pours it on with intense and rich…

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The Outsider
OK 17 Points 2018

A dark and violent American prisoner in 1950’s postwar japan becomes affiliated with a gang in Osaka as sort of an enforcer. The main character’s role was awkward and didn’t really make sense, and even worse, parts were almost offensive as you learned what he left behind for his new life as…

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Vietnam in HD
Great 17 Points 2011

Graphic, gripping, history communicated with clarity and understandable progression. I can honestly say that this documentary made me fully understand the war, from start to end for the first time. Clarity of interaction with North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and Cambodia was revealed in a way that …

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Seven Years In ...
Great 17 Points 1997

A very entertaining epic adventure that pairs rogue mountain-climbing Austrians with Tibetans and the Dalai Lama. This serves to be an incredibly interesting way to expose us to Tibet and its history. As far as the adventure part – you get it all: mountain climbing, escaping prison, enmeshin…

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OK 17 Points 2016

My second watching of an unnecessary remake in the last few months, Ben Hur impressed far less than the Magnificent Seven. It just came across as another of those overly-long Roman era epic movies that nobody ever heard of until they showed up on Netflix playlists of B-side films.

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Good 20 Points 2013

Ashton Kutcher leads an impressive cast to tell the story of an impressive Steve Jobs. Those of us who hail from Silicon Valley have heard it all before – yet we all yearn to get closer to the real man behind the stories. Jobs gets us one step closer to his hippie and maniacal past, is brillian…

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  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
The Way Back
Good 29 Points 2011

A dramatic survival story amidst panoramic and equally dramatic scenery. The Way Back tells a tale of several men who escape the brutality of a Siberian gulag in the early 40’s to trudge their way through vast expanses of differing landscapes: a fierce Siberian winter, forests, tundra, desert,…

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Rescue Dawn
Really Great 29 Points 2006

Christian Bale stars in a “McGuyver meets Stalag 13” film about a US Figher pilot shot down in Laos during the Vietnam war. Filled with plenty of action and a fairly deep study of character and strength you will find yourself engrossed in all the phases from capture, comraderie, and escape.

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Expendables 2
Very Good 66 Points 2012

I missed 1.0 but 2.0 made for 1 helluva fun night at the movies.1 We’re talking manly duets out the wazoo.

  • Stallone and Statham
  • Stallone and Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth
  • Stallone and Van Damme
  • Stallone and Lundgren
  • Stallone and Willis
  • Stallone and Schwarzenegger (a name that exi…
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WikChip Image Damnable Van Damme: Easy to Hate