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Perfect 66 Points 1998

Elizabeth is a smashingly good movie – presented with great aplomb – about worldshaping events, centered on arguably the greatest queen of all time. All that and the great Cate Blanchett’s first ever motion picture role – for which she was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar.

Politically t…

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The Dirty Dozen
Perfect 22 Points 1967

Best cast ever. Best men on a mission war movie ever.

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The Madness of ...
Perfect 66 Points 1994

Fascinating history lessons are rarely tremendously entertaining, yet The Madness of King George is both. Frequently funny, often charming, it’s nevertheless chockablock with important historical insights about the British government, crown and class system, and the ignorant barbarity of pre-mo…

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WikChip Image Dissolute Prince behind dignified King
Au Revoir les E...
Perfect 95 Points 1987

Goodbye Children – the final words of a heroic priest as he’s led away by a Jew-hunting Gestapo agent – forms a fitting title for this beautifully realized recounting of writer-director Louis Malle’s childhood experience during the Nazi occupation of France. Au Revoir les Enfants – _Goodbye …

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WikChip Image "Goodbye Father" "Goodbye Children"
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Ok - I've just added this to my Netfix queue - and i...
  • Wick – Regarding "hurwizzle's Review":/movie_reviews/2130-a...
Ford v Ferrari
Perfect 66 Points 2019

A whip-smart script about whip-smart people doing world historic things in super-cool cars going 200 MPH makes Ford v Ferrari perhaps the best sports biopic ever. Its perfect cast is led by a perfect Matt Damon.

Granted, the moviemakers had loads to work with given how iconic was the Ford GT…

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WikChip Video Cast & Director Speak
Perfect 66 Points 2019

The War To End All Wars gets its closeup in 1917, titled after a year little known to we 21st century people. WWI has been largely terra incognita at the movies, even as WWII flicks are dime a dozen, a Dirty Dozen. The struggle against t…

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WikChip Video Worth a click
The White Ribbon
Perfect 66 Points 2010

This dazzling German movie shows the sociological antecedents of Nazism in ways both fresh and timeless. A penetrating societal examination unprecedented in its knowingness, it would be a landmark no matter which nation it examined. That it elucidates the generation of Germans who grew up to fo…

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WikChip Image Hand Kissing: Minimal Family Affection
2 Replies
  • Wick – It's like a real life horror movie. Some reviewers ...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2248-the-wh...
Das Boot
Perfect 83 Points 1981

One of the all-time great submarine movies, so terrific it even had this Yiddish Yank rooting for the Nazi Navy.

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Perfect 71 Points 2000

Hail the maximum sword and sandal movie. Gladiator tells a relatively unadorned story stupendously well. Its great star – Russell Crowe – fights above his weight class, delivering a superman performance while hewing to his characteristically understated readings.

Highly watchable then and …

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Operation Finale
Perfect 66 Points 2018

The banality of evil gets a powerful debunking in Operation Finale, an awkwardly if accurately titled docudrama about the Mossad’s 1960 capture of Final Solution logistics chief Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. Little Adolf was famously said to embody “the banality of evil” as he dissembled during …

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WikChip Video The (real) Man Who Got Eichmann