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Great 83 Points 1970

Essential though Patton may be – as war movie, as American history, as biopic – it’s not the epochal statement the Academy thought they were canonizing with seven Oscars in 1971, including Best Picture. Back then Frances Ford Coppola’s script seemed subversive, undermining American militarism …

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WikChip Image If I had my way, I'd meet Rommel F2F.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":
Great 83 Points 2010

Into the Valley of Death rode the 2nd Platoon of Battle Company, ultimately riding back out with their dignity, humanity and honor intact, a trial by firefight that this important documentary shows in vivid detail. Well, given the ferocity of the fighting, not all rode out. Killed early on was …

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WikChip Video Dauntless Courage and American Spirit
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  • Wick – On this tenth anniversary of 9/11, props to the 2nd ...
Great 83 Points 2010

The heart of a battle-tank turns into a heart of darkness for four soldiers – softies – thrust into the horror of war. The obvious comparison to Das Boot captures Lebanon’s ironclad claustrophobia and blinkered view. Yet, Apocalypse Now seems more fitting an antecedent given how these unw…

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WikChip Image Caught in the crosshairs: Major Hardb...
Hacksaw Ridge
Great 83 Points 2016

Okinawa was once a byword for the savagery of war. Hacksaw Ridge plumbs the depths of that savagery and the grace that also attended it in the form of Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss. A conscientious objector, Doss was unsurpassed in bravery, personally rescuing 75 wounded men from the "t…

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WikChip Video Vince Vaughn talks war movie
USS Indianapoli...
Great 17 Points 2016

Nicolas Cage stars in the remarkable story of Captain Charles Butler McVay, who commanded the USS Indianapolis during WWII in the Pacific. The Indianapolis was known for its final mission of secretly delivering components of the atomic bomb to Tinian. On its way to Guam it was torpedoed and su…

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Great 66 Points 2019

Visual and historic greatness trumps the wooden acting in Midway, making it a great war movie that is an absolute must for we history buffs and patriots. The Battle of Midway was the Greatest Naval Battle Ever, won by Admiral Chester Nimitz (Woody Harrelson, stolid) & pilots like Dick Best (Ed …

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WikChip Video Useful 23 min on Greatest Naval Battle
Great 66 Points 2020

Greyhound delivers naval battle action that will likely never be topped. USN Captain Tom Hanks orders his men to General Quarters more often than you’ll go to the fridge for refills. Torpedoes get fired and outmaneuvered, depth charges deployed and cannons barraged at levels rarely seen and nev…

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WikChip Video Naval battles don't more intense than...
Very Good 83 Points 1989

Old fashioned and reverential, Glory shines in its rendering of an important bit of American history, its vivid recreation of several Civil War battles, and via Denzel Washington’s Oscar-winning performance.

The important history recounts how the first African-American regiment….

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WikChip Video Morgan & Denzel: Moving, Rhythmic, Ma...
Hamburger Hill
Very Good 17 Points 1987

What makes Hamburger Hill worth watching is that it differentiates itself from the overly produced war movies like Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket and just tells the story of one of the more infamous battles of Vietnam in a straight-up fashion. Just a group of Infantry trying to survive from…

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The Hunt for Re...
Very Good 20 Points 1990

A neo-classic military oriented thriller with some great twists and turns (literally, and in the plot). If you are a Connery fan — you won’t be dissappointed.

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