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Perfect 66 Points 2019

The War To End All Wars gets its closeup in 1917, titled after a year little known to we 21st century people. WWI has been largely terra incognita at the movies, even as WWII flicks are dime a dozen, a Dirty Dozen. The struggle against t…

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WikChip Video Worth a click
Master and Comm...
Really Great 66 Points 2003

Ultimate naval warfare movie, thy name is Master and Commander. It’s got everything: broadside cannon battles, flogging and grogging, close observation of life aboard an early 19th Century warship, mast-top ocean views, even visits to the Galápagos Islands. Ahoy.

Oh yeah, then there’s that…

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WikChip Image 1805 military surgery impressively re...
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Really Great 66 Points 1965

Morituri is a terrible title for a movie, now and in 1965 when this Brando-Brynner warhorse premiered. If that wasn’t bad enough, Marlon Brando refused to do publicity, limiting himself to one line of perverse grandiosity. The movie bombed. So they renamed it The Saboteur: Code Name Morituri

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Great 66 Points 2019

Visual and historic greatness trumps the wooden acting in Midway, making it a great war movie that is an absolute must for we history buffs and patriots. The Battle of Midway was the Greatest Naval Battle Ever, won by Admiral Chester Nimitz (Woody Harrelson, stolid) & pilots like Dick Best (Ed …

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WikChip Video Useful 23 min on Greatest Naval Battle
Great 66 Points 2020

Greyhound delivers naval battle action that will likely never be topped. USN Captain Tom Hanks orders his men to General Quarters more often than you’ll go to the fridge for refills. Torpedoes get fired and outmaneuvered, depth charges deployed and cannons barraged at levels rarely seen and nev…

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WikChip Video Naval battles don't more intense than...
Very Good 66 Points 2022

Devotion is a poorly-titled twofer: a damn good war movie about a Medal of Honor recipient and his heroic squadron, plus a powerful biopic about the Navy’s first black fighter pilot. It’s triply good for reviving these true stories about the sadly overlooked Korean War. All in all, that makes i…

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WikChip Image NAVY Fighters in the Korean War
Saving Private ...
Really Great 37 Points 1998

Do war movies get any better than this? Puts you right there, in all the graphic realism that comes with war. But not just any war movie, this story spins a great tale that follows Hanks and his crew looking for and saving Ryan (Pitt). If you like war movies, this is a must-see.

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Rescue Dawn
Really Great 29 Points 2006

Christian Bale stars in a “McGuyver meets Stalag 13” film about a US Figher pilot shot down in Laos during the Vietnam war. Filled with plenty of action and a fairly deep study of character and strength you will find yourself engrossed in all the phases from capture, comraderie, and escape.

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Great 25 Points 2012

There is nothing like the emotion behind a good war movie. Put that to use in a good humans vs. alien story, and you have the makings of a great summer blockbuster. Battleship is a worthy blockbuster indeed. The aliens are bad-ass, and the Navy is badder, and you’ll not often have a more fun ti…

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  • Demona – Regarding "Demona's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Saints and Sold...
OK 22 Points 2003

An interesting look at a small group of American escaped prisoners who struggle through Germans and elements in the Ardennes to get back to Allied lines with invaluable information. Anyone familiar with the series “Band of Brothers” will enjoy this film, which was largely done in the same st…

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