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Hail the Conque...
Very Good 66 Points 1944

Hail The Conquering Hero is a welcome stop on the Tour de Sturges, even if not one of the best.

The Greatest Generation dealt with challenge differently than we 2nd Millenniums do, to put it mildly. Preston Sturges made Hail The Conquering Hero during World War II, right after the Marines…

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WikChip Image Demarest turns Bracken into a hero
Hamburger Hill
Very Good 17 Points 1987

What makes Hamburger Hill worth watching is that it differentiates itself from the overly produced war movies like Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket and just tells the story of one of the more infamous battles of Vietnam in a straight-up fashion. Just a group of Infantry trying to survive from…

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Hart's War
Good 83 Points 2002

POW movies – especially WWII POW movies – are an esteemed genus of the War movie family, and Hart’s War adds proudly to the trove. Upstanding story, well and directly told, complete with workmanlike movie star performance by Old Block Head himself, Bruce Willis.

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Heartbreak Ridge
Very Good 17 Points 1986

Classic Clint Eastwood in a newer war movie. Old rough-neck Clint deals with his aging demons, cleans up some misfits, and shows us what marines are supposed to do. This film was a little campy at times, but Clint carries it through.

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Hell's Angels
None Yet 0 Points 1930
None Yet 0 Points 1962
Hyena Road
Very Good 17 Points 2015

So, apparently Canadians were in Afghanistan as well. Hyena road is a highly entertaining hodgepodge of intense fighting, espionage, politics, and even a love affair thrown in. Although the Canadians are known for their cool, Hyena doesn’t hold back on the intense fighting and gruesome details,…

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In Darkness
None Yet 0 Points 2012
In the Land of ...
None Yet 0 Points 2012
Inglorious Bast...
Really Great 131 Points 2009

Tremendously entertaining and TFB1, this über-ironic masterpiece proves that Tarantino remains a supremely accomplished auteur and that Brad Pitt has reached a superstar plateau occupied by few others. LOL funny, hugely charismatic and deeply thought provoking, Inglorious Basterds enters the…

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WikChip Image A new international star Waltzes in.
8 Replies
  • MJ5K – Regarding "hurwizzle's Review":/movie_reviews/2192 ...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1977-inglor...
  • MJ5K – BTW Wick, during Inglourious Basterds, during the ex...
  • MJ5K – Pulp Fiction is his best BY FAR!!! Basterds doesn't ...