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Taking Chance
Great 17 Points 2009

Who would have thought such a simple story about a military escort of a fallen soldier could have been so moving. Taking Chance is a perfect example of how a true story can affect you so much more than any fiction. The acts of care, courtesy, and honor were mezmerizing, and the character and st…

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War Horse
Great 83 Points 2011

Stephen Spielberg’s War Horse is an instant classic in several categories:

  • War Movies: WWI’s trench warfare, poison gas and mismatch between pre-industrial and industrial warfare are vividly shown, albeit without the explicit savagery of Saving Private Ryan
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WikChip Image Bringing Swords to a Gun Fight
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Act of Valor
Great 83 Points 2012

Think of Act of Valor as real US Naval Special Warfare come to cineplexes, not as a normal war movie. Thus the valor is certain, the acting not so much.

Directed by a couple of former stuntmen and starring a bunch of active duty SEALs, it is earnest in the extreme and often wooden in its no…

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WikChip Video Real bullets make this a unique movie
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Captain America...
Great 88 Points 2011

Popcorn movies should all be this strong. Channeling Indiana Jones’ 1940s movie tropes, Marvel’s First Avenger proves engaging from the outset, exciting from the middle and exhilarating to the end.

Notwithstanding a pair of underwhelming leads, the overall strong cast, irony-free patriotism …

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WikChip Image Devastating parody of Nazi racial ins...
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Great 25 Points 2012

There is nothing like the emotion behind a good war movie. Put that to use in a good humans vs. alien story, and you have the makings of a great summer blockbuster. Battleship is a worthy blockbuster indeed. The aliens are bad-ass, and the Navy is badder, and you’ll not often have a more fun ti…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Great 66 Points 1966

Judith features Gentile moviestars playing Jewish freedom fighters during Israel’s War of Independence. It’s amazing how glamorous a story centered on early kibbutz life at the end of the British Mandate can be.

To that end, Judith is a fabulous Sophia Loren movie. The great Loren stars a…

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WikChip Image Kibbutznick Extraordinaire
The Last of the...
Great 66 Points 1992

The Last of the Mohicans was a benchmark in ’92. It still packs an action wallop, delivers a romantic jolt and provides a lens into the development of the American character, notwithstanding its historical liberties.

This cinematically big movie features a perfect man who engages in a perfe…

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WikChip Image Last Mohican: Russell Means' Chingach...
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Love and Death
Great 66 Points 1975

Love and Death made me a Woody Allen fan, a film so funny, so smart, a film like I’d never seen before. Being but 15 at the time, how could it be otherwise. One of Woody’s great comedies, Love and Death remains pleasantly absurd, if no longer bellylaugh funny, yet still unspools a plethora o…

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WikChip Video Sexy LOL: Woody & the Countess
The Water Diviner
Great 17 Points 2014

Russell Crowe’s directorial debut is a hit. Not only does he shine as the dramatic star, but he captures the compelling story of a father’s somber journey to find and bury his sons after the bloody battle of Gallipoli. Enjoy the historical references, the drama, and the adventure. Great stuff.

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Whiskey Tango F...
Great 17 Points 2016

Tina Fey! Boozer journalists in war torn Afghanistan! Military scenes led by Billy Bob Thornton! An oversexed Margot Robbie! Scary Taliban chase scenes! Honestly, this was an unexpected treat. Go see it!

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