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Knight Rider 2000
None Yet Points 1991
Terminator 2: J...
Perfect 11 Points 1991

This is, in my opinion, possibly the greatest sequel ever made. Its a sequel that completely blows the original right the hell away. Its one of my favorite movies of all time and one I could watch 10 times in one week and never get sick of it. Twice the action, twice the special effects, and ’bou…

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Star Trek VI: T...
Good 66 Points 1991

Star Trek VI concluded the original movie series in disappointing fashion. Last of Nicholas Meyer’s II, IV, VI trio, last with the founding cast, ST VI is first in being ridiculous. That’s saying something for Star Trek.

Fortunately, Shatner and Crew ensure it’s not without its charms, a…

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WikChip Image Christopher Plummer: 1st Rate Villain
A Nymphoid Barb...
None Yet 0 Points 1991
RoboCop 2
None Yet Points 1990
Back to the Fut...
Perfect 9 Points 1990

Of both the sequels to the 1985 classic Back to the Future, this is my favorite of the two. For me, it has more of a “I can watch this again and again value.” Like part 2, it picks up where the predecessor left off. Marty heads to the wild wild west to find Doc and get back to 1985, whilst keepin…

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Total Recall
None Yet Points 1990
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None Yet 0 Points 1990
Abraxas, Guardi...
None Yet 0 Points 1990

Jesse “The Body” Ventura stars as an alien cop chasing down a deadly fugitive who is after a power that can change our universe. That whole sentence sounds way better than this movie.

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The Abyss
Really Great 14 Points 1989
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