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Really Great 86 Points 2013

Joe Morgenstern declared Mud an instant classic in the Wall Street Journal. Not sure why, but hell yes.

You almost want to ding Mud for being such a classically terrific movie, but damn if it doesn’t play out as monumentally cinematic yet nearly natural. Kind of a crime caper involving b…

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WikChip Image Leading men, now & then: Matthew & Tye
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Iron Man 3
Really Great 86 Points 2013

Ironic Man returns for a third iteration with his emotional suit of armor in place, humorously deflecting intimacy from friends, foes, lovers and ex-lovers. OK, not all gets deflected. There are several close calls, even a few breakdowns. Hell, there are panic attacks. Hey, it worked in the S…

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WikChip Image Primo bad guy allows an Avenger to soar
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Win Win
Really Great 88 Points 2011

Win Win has become such a cliche, yet is anything but in the entirely winning movie of that title. Cleverly mining today’s uneven economy, the uneasy equality of modern marriages, the unjust world of neglected kids, and not least, the under-appreciated sport of high school wrestling, Win Win

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WikChip Video Who says meaningful auteur cinema is ...
X-Men: Days of ...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Count it, X-Men deliver again. Does Marvel ever fail? Notwithstanding several major cooks in the kitchen of this particular production and the ugly problems surrounding one of them, X-Men: Days of Future Past is yet another first rate blockbuster originating from the X-Men solar system within…

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WikChip Image The JLaw Mystique: Fanboys Rejoice
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22 Jump Street
Really Great 83 Points 2014

“Sequels Suck” doesn’t seem operative given how terrific 22 Jump Street is. This one literally jumps off from where its great origin movie ended. Ignore it? Hell, no. #22JumpSt cheekily imagines itself the next episode of the Jump Street serie…

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WikChip Video Green Band Trailer Lays It Down
Birdmen: The Or...
Really Great 17 Points 2012

I’ve done some crazy stuff in my younger years, including hang gliding, but these guys have the biggest ‘cohones’ that I’ve ever seen. Making plans to step off a cliff, zoom past a rapidly approaching hillside, and judging when to pull the chute. An amazing thing to see. In Birdmen, you’ll lea…

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Really Great 83 Points 2013

“God doesn’t play dice” said Einstein, but James Ward Byrkit does, entertainingly so in Coherence, one of the better low-budget SciFi movies in cinematic history. Heck, are any more more low budget than this?

I didn’t realize how geeky the whole thing was till saying the word Coherence at …

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WikChip Video Willow Glen's SciFi Thriller
Really Great 66 Points 2014

The Arab Spring comes alive in Tyrant, the most politically important TV series to come along in – well – a long time. Palace intrigue swirls around the fictional Al Fayeed family, tyrannical rulers of the fictional Arab country Abbudin. Their prodigal son returns from Los Angeles in the prem…

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WikChip Image The Sopranos have got nothing on them
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Guardians of th...
Really Great 88 Points 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy is an overstuffed taco of a superhero movie, chockfull of countless characters, considerable whimsy and confounding story lines. The crazy-ass result approaches blockbuster perfection.

Star Trek for a New Generation? Absolutely, complete with a basso-profundo destroy…

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WikChip Video Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?
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  • Wick – Regarding "modern marvel's Review":http://www.viewgu...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Nightcrawler is L.A.‘s Taxi Driver, with Jake Gyllenhaal’s morally vacuous street prowler supplanting Robert DeNiro’s demented urban loner. Dan Gilroy’s movie delivers a freakish amount of cinematic energy, exposing the nightmares of Los Angeles in particular, and our Eyewitness News society …

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WikChip Image Humanity? Hell no, keep filming.