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The Blind Side
Very Good 86 Points 2009

A three hanky weeper of the best kind – uplifting and funny. I was fortunate to watch it in the darkened cabin of an overnight flight to London, otherwise the tears streaming down my face would have been noticeable to others. But a good man-cry

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WikChip Image Momma's Boy: The real Michael Oher
A Perfect Getaway
Great 76 Points 2009

Kick-ass and funny, clever and surprising, this adventure thriller delivers plenty of twists, turns and vistas. For audiences who like to be teased and challenged, this is old school. Hitchcock – the Master of Suspense himself – would have been proud.

A Perfect Getaway suffers a bit from t…

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WikChip Image Everyone's on the lookout for killers.
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The Joneses
Pretty Bad 83 Points 2009

A hypocritical indictment of conspicuous consumption, this bargain-basement satire never strikes beyond the obvious. Nominally attempting to bury the cult of brands, The Joneses instead praises them – name dropping and extolling cars, fragrances, golf clubs and all the effluvia touted in the a…

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WikChip Image Amber Heard: Generic hottie, generic ...
None Yet 0 Points 2009
State of Play
Good 66 Points 2009

A competent thriller poisoned by a blood libel against US forces, State of Play nonetheless delivers more than a few thrills and a nifty plot twist worthy of Robert Ludlum. Politics aside, the movie ingratiates itself with a handful of charismatic performances and a nostalgic glimpse into the …

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Observe and Report
Very Good 73 Points 2009

40% LOL, 50% hide the women and children. Make that 80% hide the innocents, yet still 40% LOL, more than enough funny to get the job done. Yes, it’s spectacularly mean, violently so, but it’s no more cruelly subversive than was Borat. (Oh great. Now Borat

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  • Wick – Regarding "Spaceghost's Review":/movie_reviews/1819-...
Great 122 Points 2009

Zombie movies aren’t my thing – but comedies are – and this zombie comedy rocks. Amply LOL and with relatively few clunkers, it’s consistently if not convulsively funny. Gross too, but the whole zombie shtick – what with the blood vomit and cannibalism – is so over-the-top as to be funny after …

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WikChip Image Doe eyes like male melting lasers
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  • Wick – Regarding "John A Massie's Review":/movie_reviews/21...
Death at a Funeral
Pretty Awful 69 Points 2010

The trailer was funny. It was. Problem is, the trailer delivered the movie’s one big joke, which itself isn’t even funny in the drawnout context of this stinker.

The movie itself isn’t funny, isn’t cute, isn’t sexy. Death at a funeral? More like death at the movies.

The producers’ M.O. …

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The Town
Very Good 92 Points 2010

The Town – a beefy treat for fans of crime drama from Ben Affleck, now a writer-director-star triple threat. Staying close to his boyhood home, Affleck romanticizes bank robbers from the Irish-American projects adjacent to prosperous Boston. When one of them falls for the manager of a bank th…

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WikChip Image Ultimate Boston Movie: Robbing Fenway...
2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Good point. I forgot about Hollywoodland. Another un...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
The Social Network
Perfect 103 Points 2010

Old media trumps new in The Social Network, in which dirty-sexy-money fuels a splendid drama about the elitists behind Facebook’s insanely great success. Boy billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, his erstwhile Harvard cronies and business Svengali come vividly to life under the direction of sordid mast…

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WikChip Video Nerdy business, sleek & salacious? Yep.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/299...
  • Wick – Regarding "DrakeReviews's Review":/movie_reviews/285...