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I Could Never B...
Very Good 83 Points 2006

Don’t let the crummy title scare you away from this surprisingly fun romantic comedy starring the ever charming Michelle Pfeiffer and featuring the fast-times wit of Amy Heckerling. Apparently this movie never made it into American theaters, though it did gross $24 million in Brazil. Those Braz…

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The Sentinel
Very Good 66 Points 2006

The Sentinel came out in ‘06, halfway through Kiefer Sutherland’s bravura run as Jack Bauer on TV’s 24, the quintessential post-9/11 secret agent series. From there it’s a short hop to Secret Service mucky-muck in the Presidential Protective Division. Michael Douglas is also well-cast as his …

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WikChip Image There's only one moviestar in this shot.
The Kingdom
Very Good 96 Points 2007

The Hollywood action movie treatment gets applied to Islamist terrorism in the center of Arabian Oil power in The Kingdom. The result is an entertaining and enlightening show that has more than enough relevance to raise it above run-of-the-mill popcorn fare.

Several mainstream media critic…

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Before the Devi...
Very Good 88 Points 2007

This engrossing and cleverly constructed family/heist picture features a host of great performers in front of the camera and the estimable Sidney Lumet behind it. The movie effectively flashes back and forth in time, showing how a couple of ne’er-do-well brothers ensnare everyone around them in …

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Very Good 66 Points 2004

High quality, reasonably engrossing production that seeks to annoy, and succeeds.

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Trouble with th...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Cliches are rarely so well calibrated as in Trouble with the Curve. Crusty father, chip-off-the-ol’-block daughter, minor league baseball, small towns, hot dogs, roadhouses, and on and on. BTW, those hot dogs are of the ballpark and ballplayer varieties, with one of the latter played by Justin …

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WikChip Video Heartwarming
Megan Leavey
Very Good 83 Points 2017

This is a damn good Iraq War movie, apolitical and told through the eyes of Marines who walked through the sands of hell. Plus, it’s a great Marine Corps movie overall. So why did it flame out at the theaters?

Start with the bad title. Megan Leavey is easy to say once you hear it, but is kin…

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WikChip Video The real Megan & Rex at Yankee Stadium
Scott Pilgrim v...
Very Good 99 Points 2010

Boy gets girl is as traditional as movies get. Scott Pilgrim gets the girl alright, but the rest of this video-game inspired romantic comedy gets pretty far from traditional.

Start with the boy, a nerdy rocker. Then the girl, a man-eater with a slew of evil – superpowered – exes, not all of…

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WikChip Image Pow! Super punch, Scott Pilgrim.
Observe and Report
Very Good 73 Points 2009

40% LOL, 50% hide the women and children. Make that 80% hide the innocents, yet still 40% LOL, more than enough funny to get the job done. Yes, it’s spectacularly mean, violently so, but it’s no more cruelly subversive than was Borat. (Oh great. Now Borat

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Molly's Game
Very Good 66 Points 2017

Molly’s Game contains large doses of glamorous sin, sans sex, even though the women are all super sexy. The lack of sex, consensual or #MeToo, makes this R-rated flick rather tame as sexy movies go. That said, Jessica Chastain surely got good money to gamely play the sexy and intrepid Molly Blo…

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WikChip Video Glamorous Sin, Sans Sex