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Morning Glory
Good 71 Points 2010

Morning TV seduces Rachel McAdams’ plucky heroine more than a McDreamy boyfriend in this love letter to the bright lights of mainstream media. Good thing, since some well crafted career comedy makes Morning Glory reasonably entertaining to men, even if its target audience is aspiring women loo…

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WikChip Image Harrison Ford: gravitas on demand.
Observe and Report
Very Good 73 Points 2009

40% LOL, 50% hide the women and children. Make that 80% hide the innocents, yet still 40% LOL, more than enough funny to get the job done. Yes, it’s spectacularly mean, violently so, but it’s no more cruelly subversive than was Borat. (Oh great. Now Borat

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Casino Royale
Perfect 75 Points 2006

Is there a better Bond movie? From the B&W opening’s clever incorporation of Bond shooting at the camera, to ‘Bond, James Bond’ not coming till the final line, Casino Royale visits the de rigueur touchstones in fresh, inventive ways. Daniel Craig barely cracks a smile or a smirk, yet is funny…

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A Perfect Getaway
Great 76 Points 2009

Kick-ass and funny, clever and surprising, this adventure thriller delivers plenty of twists, turns and vistas. For audiences who like to be teased and challenged, this is old school. Hitchcock – the Master of Suspense himself – would have been proud.

A Perfect Getaway suffers a bit from t…

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WikChip Image Everyone's on the lookout for killers.
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This Is It
Great 78 Points 2009

Michael Jackson – like Elvis – left the building at a shockingly young age, inadvertently bestowing this rehearsal documentary to posterity. It’s quite the confection, demonstrating the singular brilliance of an otherworldly showbiz creature while leaving us wanting more.

The movie makes clea…

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WikChip Video This - in long form - Is It.
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Zack and Miri M...
OK 78 Points 2008

As tedious as it is funny, though it is damn funny on occasion, this “romantic comedy” plumbs new depths in its hunt for laughs, plowing the nether regions of slacker society as it were. That it succeeds often enough to avoid complete disaster is a credit to kitsch auteur Kevin Smith, though thi…

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Pineapple Express
Good 82 Points 2008

Like the effects of the mellow drug it celebrates, Pineapple Express gyrates between intense absurdity and sweet geniality, with frequent bouts of hilarity thrown in. Ace comedy writers Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and Judd Apatow have crafted another LOLer here, though not one as consistently s…

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Smart People
Great 82 Points 2008

Very funny ensemble piece about a man and his family struggling to move beyond the long-ago death of his wife, Smart People deftly skewers the low EQ of some high IQ people.1

Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker are perfectly serviceable in not very likable roles. Good thing Thomas Haden C…

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Great 83 Points 2012

Wow. Few contemporary dramas are as fully realized, involving and insightful as the unfortunately titled Margaret. Title aside, the movie’s other negative is a two and a half hour running time, and that’s for the version available from iTunes and Amazon. Apparently there’s also a three hour …

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WikChip Image Pacquin acting out. Damon allowing it.
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Margot at the W...
Great 83 Points 2007

Nicole Kidman goes to her estranged sister’s wedding. Jennifer Jason Leigh, said brilliant and beautiful sister, is marrying Jack Black, a buffoon who spectacularly overestimates himself. Classic Jack Black.

Speaking of spectacular, Kidman’s Margot is a spectacularly successful fiction write…

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WikChip Image Who says you can't go home again?