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The Last Duel
Great 66 Points 2021

Matt Damon succeeds grandly in The Last Duel, a gloriously old-fashioned yet manifestly modern movie. This epic hews closely to the apparent history of the last duel-to-the-death in medieval France, a time of knights-in-shining-armor during the Hundred Years’ War

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WikChip Video The Last Duel - After the Ending
The Kennedys
Great 66 Points 2011

The Kennedys no longer occupy the white-hot center of American consciousness, as they did in the Sixties. The Kennedys, a high quality docudrama, reminds us why they held that position nearly thru the Nineties. Ultimate 1%ers, they looked, acted and misbehaved like royalty, yet became beloved…

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WikChip Image Katie's Jackie mourning JFK or her ma...
The Big Short
Great 66 Points 2015

The Big Short isn’t the Big Lie, but isn’t far from it either. The government hides just offscreen in Adam McKay’s seriocomic docudrama about the epic falsehoods that consumed the banking industry in 2008.

Falsehoods one and two were Washington’s ability to safely stimulate homeownership amo…

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WikChip Video Margot Robbie in a bubblebath
The Other Boley...
Very Good 17 Points 2008

Ok, so although I was dragged in to this as an unwilling participant — who could argue with watching Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson for a few hours? They both convincingly played Ann Boleyn and Mary Boleyn through the drama of being consort and wife of Henry the 8th. Eric Bana, an unkno…

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Very Good 17 Points 2004

A fascinating accounting of Hitler’s last 12 days, from the recollections of Traudl Junge, his final secretary. Bruno Ganz is a shoe-in for the maniacal and increasingly psychotic and out of touch Fuhrer. As Berlin crumbles all around him, there’s barely more than teenagers defending the tur…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Max Manus: Man ...
Very Good 17 Points 2008

A true story about Max Manus, a famous Norwegian resistance fighter. He and his band would do anything they could to thwart the Nazi machine. From vandalism and writing illegal newspapers to being trained as a saboteur and being dropped in behind enemy lines to wreak havoc. And wreak havoc they…

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Killing Lincoln
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Admit it. You always wanted to know all the gory details about how John Wilkes Booth got into the Presidential box at Ford’s Theater, how he got away, got captured and got killed. Who hasn’t?

Killing Lincoln dramatizes that and more, providing an unflinching view of history that’s a valuab…

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WikChip Image Tom Hanks channels Bill O'Reilly
The Last Emperor
Very Good 17 Points 1987

This history of Pu Yi – the last emperor of China is quite the epic. Chinese history is not well known to most, never mind the complicated transition from Empire, to Nationalism, to Japan domination, and finally to communism. Pu Yi was born in to emperor-hood, was ousted by chiang kai shek, cozie…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Very Good 83 Points 2009

This magnificent political biography also happens to be a very good movie. Not a great movie, but a great and important story, well told and even better acted by its two leads. Lessons in history and leadership should all be so charismatic.

The movie has rhythms and totems unfamiliar to Amer…

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WikChip Image American superstars as African heroes
Dallas Buyers Club
Very Good 86 Points 2013

Dallas Buyers Club is another triumph for Matthew McConaughey. It’s also a vivid evocation of the gritty side of Dallas circa 1985, along with the chaos that accompanied the early years of the AIDS epidemic. However, like its lead character, the movie is self-satisfied to a fault, self-rightou…

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WikChip Image She's very popular in SF, NY and LA.
2 Replies
  • Wick – The rare movie I rated lower than Tripod.
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":