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Great 66 Points 2020

Greyhound delivers naval battle action that will likely never be topped. USN Captain Tom Hanks orders his men to General Quarters more often than you’ll go to the fridge for refills. Torpedoes get fired and outmaneuvered, depth charges deployed and cannons barraged at levels rarely seen and nev…

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WikChip Video Naval battles don't more intense than...
The Last Duel
Great 66 Points 2021

Matt Damon succeeds grandly in The Last Duel, a gloriously old-fashioned yet manifestly modern movie. This epic hews closely to the apparent history of the last duel-to-the-death in medieval France, a time of knights-in-shining-armor during the Hundred Years’ War

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WikChip Video The Last Duel - After the Ending
Very Good 66 Points 2022

Devotion is a poorly-titled twofer: a damn good war movie about a Medal of Honor recipient and his heroic squadron, plus a powerful biopic about the Navy’s first black fighter pilot. It’s triply good for reviving these true stories about the sadly overlooked Korean War. All in all, that makes i…

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WikChip Image NAVY Fighters in the Korean War
Very Good 66 Points 2023

A movie that fits the man who made France into a triumphant titan of the early 1800s, Napoleon meets many of the moments in an epochal life from two centuries ago. Ridley Scott knows historic drama about larger-than-life figures like few other directors, and cast well with Joaquin Phoenix as hi…

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WikChip Image Emperor Napoleon crowns Empress Josep...
Too Big to Fail
Barely OK 66 Points 2011

The NY Times’ take on the banking crisis endgame gets reenacted in this made-for-HBO docudrama. Notwithstanding the Big Lie told in the middle, the movie otherwise seems to competently essay the mechanics of the fall of Lehman Brothers, AIG and the imposition of TARP.

The Big Lie comes when t…

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WikChip Image Tim Geithner: Mr. Too-Big-To-Fail him...
The Kennedys
Great 66 Points 2011

The Kennedys no longer occupy the white-hot center of American consciousness, as they did in the Sixties. The Kennedys, a high quality docudrama, reminds us why they held that position nearly thru the Nineties. Ultimate 1%ers, they looked, acted and misbehaved like royalty, yet became beloved…

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WikChip Image Katie's Jackie mourning JFK or her ma...
The Big Short
Great 66 Points 2015

The Big Short isn’t the Big Lie, but isn’t far from it either. The government hides just offscreen in Adam McKay’s seriocomic docudrama about the epic falsehoods that consumed the banking industry in 2008.

Falsehoods one and two were Washington’s ability to safely stimulate homeownership amo…

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WikChip Video Margot Robbie in a bubblebath
Really Great 66 Points 2023

J. Robert Oppenheimer is an American hero, flawed like most, resolute when it mattered. The Father of the Atomic Bomb saved countless US Marines, sailors and airmen when his work forced Imperial Japan to surrender short of an amphibious attack on Tokyo. (That would have made Iwo Jima look like …

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WikChip Image The real Einstein & Oppenheimer
United 93
Perfect 29 Points 2006

United 93 takes place the day a tragedy occurred, September 11, 2001. It seems like a normal day to everyone. No one has any idea how big of an impact this day will have. At first everything goes as scheduled through the airlines. However, those who monitor the airplanes do become suspicious. The…

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Black Robe
OK 29 Points 1991

A Jesuit missionary trying to bring the Catholic faith to the Indians of “New France” (French-Canada) enlist the help of the Algonquin Indians to find a lost mission in the land of the Herons. “If the winter doesn’t kill us, the Indians might, and if they don’t the English will” – a…

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5 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • jasonhurwitz – I watched it. The overdubbing was distracting and an...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • jasonhurwitz – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":