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Elizabeth: The ...
Great 99 Points 2007

A worthy sequel to Elizabeth, though perhaps suffering a bit by coming second. Nonetheless, it doesn’t get any better than this for fans of historical drama, while the performance of Cate Blanchett as the Virgin Queen remains the modern benc…

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The Warlords
Really Great 66 Points 2007

As essential to understanding China as Gone with the Wind is to understanding America, The Warlords brims with operatic history, passion, blood and beauty. GWTW romanticized the 1861 American Civil War; This 21st Century Chinese production romanticizes the – a – Chinese Civil War, also f…

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WikChip Image Slaughtering 4,000 men splits bloodbr...
The Other Boley...
Very Good 17 Points 2008

Ok, so although I was dragged in to this as an unwilling participant — who could argue with watching Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson for a few hours? They both convincingly played Ann Boleyn and Mary Boleyn through the drama of being consort and wife of Henry the 8th. Eric Bana, an unkno…

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Great 66 Points 2008

Funny and sad in equal measures, this brilliant movie brings to life the media event that put a postscript on one of the saddest chapters in American history.

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WikChip Video "I'd a done it" sounds like OJ
Max Manus: Man ...
Very Good 17 Points 2008

A true story about Max Manus, a famous Norwegian resistance fighter. He and his band would do anything they could to thwart the Nazi machine. From vandalism and writing illegal newspapers to being trained as a saboteur and being dropped in behind enemy lines to wreak havoc. And wreak havoc they…

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Good 96 Points 2008

Valkyrie is an ultimate Nazi movie hamstrung by a lack of Germans: As victors, the Americans and British get to write the history of WWII, but they should at least have used Teutonic actors for this German Army story. Instead Allies play Krauts in Bryan Singer’s movie, complete with more Briti…

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WikChip Image The real Stauffenberg snaps to for Hi...
Really Great 83 Points 2008

Polish up the acceptance speeches. Changeling deserves a passel of trophies, though Best Picture isn’t one of them. The difficult story – while expertly told – ends up a mildly exhausting slog, one not worth enduring for anyone not wanting to visualize the most elemental of maternal nightmare…

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North Face
Really Great 17 Points 2008

An amazingly dramatic film about a competitive climb up the north face of the Eiger. Incredible action, an interesting back-story, and non-stop suspense make this film a must-see – even if you aren’t a fan of subtitles. It won’t matter, trust me.

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None Yet 0 Points 2008
Very Good 83 Points 2009

This magnificent political biography also happens to be a very good movie. Not a great movie, but a great and important story, well told and even better acted by its two leads. Lessons in history and leadership should all be so charismatic.

The movie has rhythms and totems unfamiliar to Amer…

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WikChip Image American superstars as African heroes