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None Yet 0 Points 2005
Good 17 Points 2016

Yet another take on the Christian biblical history of Jesus, but this time from the perspective of a rough but chisled Roman Legionaire. This is actually refreshing, because it doesn’t really focus too much on the religious stuff, but rather comes across as more of an ancient Roman ‘whodunnit’. …

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Richard Jewell
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The FBI’s reputation takes a big blow in Richard Jewell, making Clint Eastwood’s movie about 1996 timely in 2019. Last week’s Justice Department IG report crushed any belief that the upper echelon of the FBI is the least bit trustworthy. That came years after the FBI didn’t pay attention "when …

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WikChip Video Mike Wallace interviews Jewell 6 year...
None Yet 0 Points 1985
Great 66 Points 1995

Restoration refers to Britain’s casting off of Puritanism, a liberated time of royal hedonism and bawdy theater, from which a much lauded historical novel was derived. Add in Robert Downey Jr., Meg Ryan, Sam Neill and the stunning Polly Walker for cinematic firepower. Restoration is the resul…

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WikChip Image Polly Walker's stunning Royal Mistress
None Yet 0 Points 1981
Great 83 Points 1970

Essential though Patton may be – as war movie, as American history, as biopic – it’s not the epochal statement the Academy thought they were canonizing with seven Oscars in 1971, including Best Picture. Back then Frances Ford Coppola’s script seemed subversive, undermining American militarism …

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WikChip Image If I had my way, I'd meet Rommel F2F.
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Patriots Day
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Patriots Day gets up close and personal with the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. By turns moving, enraging, loving and occasionally funny, it’s an unflinching look at lone wolf terrorism and how one American city fought back against Islamism in their midst. Two previously unseen aspe…

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WikChip Video The Battle of Watertown
Good 17 Points 2013

Can you really make an entire feature length film out of a single day’s events following JFK’s assasination? Well, yes – by following four different stories: Zapruder the famous film-maker, The Oswalds, the law, and the emergency room doctors and nurses. The result is a bit muddled, but keeps …

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Really Great 66 Points 2023

J. Robert Oppenheimer is an American hero, flawed like most, resolute when it mattered. The Father of the Atomic Bomb saved countless US Marines, sailors and airmen when his work forced Imperial Japan to surrender short of an amphibious attack on Tokyo. (That would have made Iwo Jima look like …

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WikChip Image The real Einstein & Oppenheimer