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A Film Unfinished
Great 71 Points 2010

A Film Unfinished shows more death – literal, real death – than perhaps any other movie. Comprised of footage the Nazis shot for a staged documentary of the Warsaw Ghetto, it is an essential Holocaust movie because it’s real, contemporaneous and shows how the Nazis forced the Jews to live in d…

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WikChip Image Unspeakable Cruelty: Life in the Ghetto
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Woman in Gold
Great 69 Points 2015

Woman in Gold glitters with performances that are charismatic and affecting, a story that’s fascinating and true, and a happy ending that delivers emotional closure. In short, it’s a small treasure of a movie.

Helen Mirren stars as Maria Altmann, whose aunt was the model for the painting "Wo…

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WikChip Image Klimt's Woman in Gold: Aunt Adele
2 Replies
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Hail the Conque...
Very Good 66 Points 1944

Hail The Conquering Hero is a welcome stop on the Tour de Sturges, even if not one of the best.

The Greatest Generation dealt with challenge differently than we 2nd Millenniums do, to put it mildly. Preston Sturges made Hail The Conquering Hero during World War II, right after the Marines…

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WikChip Image Demarest turns Bracken into a hero
Jojo Rabbit
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The Hitler Youth get a satirical stake through the heart in the wonderfully wacky Jojo Rabbit. Taika Waititi – he of Thor: Ragnarok – wrote the screenplay, directs the movie and even stars as a wacky Hitler, well a Hitler as the imagi…

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WikChip Video Taika Waititi cracks wise.
Really Great 66 Points 2023

J. Robert Oppenheimer is an American hero, flawed like most, resolute when it mattered. The Father of the Atomic Bomb saved countless US Marines, sailors and airmen when his work forced Imperial Japan to surrender short of an amphibious attack on Tokyo. (That would have made Iwo Jima look like …

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WikChip Image The real Einstein & Oppenheimer
Really Great 66 Points 1965

Morituri is a terrible title for a movie, now and in 1965 when this Brando-Brynner warhorse premiered. If that wasn’t bad enough, Marlon Brando refused to do publicity, limiting himself to one line of perverse grandiosity. The movie bombed. So they renamed it The Saboteur: Code Name Morituri

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Great 66 Points 2019

Visual and historic greatness trumps the wooden acting in Midway, making it a great war movie that is an absolute must for we history buffs and patriots. The Battle of Midway was the Greatest Naval Battle Ever, won by Admiral Chester Nimitz (Woody Harrelson, stolid) & pilots like Dick Best (Ed …

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WikChip Video Useful 23 min on Greatest Naval Battle
Perfect 66 Points 2000

Deeply, floridly Italian, Malèna is a sumptuous WWII find, a Sicilian movie extraordinaire and a devastating depiction of Italian machismo reacting to the hottest signorina since Sophia Loren.

Monica Belluci plays the title character, a gorgeous war bride living in a small Sicilian town, bro…

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WikChip Image where Malèna went, the town followed
The Desert Fox:...
Really Great 66 Points 1951

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel – the Desert Fox – was Nazi Germany’s national hero, their military icon. Hitler needed him, couldn’t kill him, so he had Rommel kill himself. Absolute evil, thy name is Hitler.

That and more make The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel a touchstone World War II movi…

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WikChip Video Start with the end: Churchill on Rommel
Their Finest
Great 66 Points 2016

Their Finest is an exceptionally fine movie, a post-modern take on the decidedly earnest Greatest Generation, British variety. Unfortunately, it takes exceptional effort to find a theater where it’s playing.

Speaking of exceptional, Gemma Arterton, Sam Clafin and Bill Nighy are exceptionally…

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WikChip Video Bill Nighy steals the show as a minor...