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Into the White
Very Good 83 Points 2012

True stories from World War II were mostly all made into movies well before 2012. Yet this one flew under the radar. Understandable perhaps for a story set far from the heart of the war, one that’s not even strategic, just a quotidian miracle from the great white North. Reindeer walk by, for g…

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WikChip Video Rupert Grint's 2nd great 2nd banana
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Good Kill
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Obama’s War on Terror comes alive in Good Kill. Set in 2010, after the second POTUS to prosecute the Islamist War dramatically escalated drone warfare, it unflinchingly portrays the toll on airmen and their families from a new kind of combat in an incompetently defined war. Albeit fictional, it…

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WikChip Video Trailer for a thrilling & important m...
Megan Leavey
Very Good 83 Points 2017

This is a damn good Iraq War movie, apolitical and told through the eyes of Marines who walked through the sands of hell. Plus, it’s a great Marine Corps movie overall. So why did it flame out at the theaters?

Start with the bad title. Megan Leavey is easy to say once you hear it, but is kin…

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WikChip Video The real Megan & Rex at Yankee Stadium
Flags Of Our Fa...
Really Great 83 Points 2006

A new laureate to the pantheon of great war movies.

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The Finest Hours
Great 83 Points 2016

Real romance precedes real heroism in The Finest Hours. A retro historical drama and Disnefied true-story of the greatest rescue in Coast Guard history, its tone is as extremely earnest as its story is death-defying.

The romance between Bernie & Miriam Webber defines almost the entire first …

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WikChip Video 36 Men in a 36 Foot Boar
Zero Dark Thirty
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Zero Dark Thirty tells the truthy tale of the deadly hunt for Osama bin Laden, making it one of the most potent political movies of all time. The certain reverberations are hard to predict. Wikileaks? Wikiflick.

It starts with a dark screen, then a title card. September 11, 2001. Scre…

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WikChip Image Toe-to-toe over how to find bin Laden
Lone Survivor
Perfect 83 Points 2013

The greatest bromance movie of all time – charming, funny, deeply affecting – Lone Survivor is more importantly the Saving Private Ryan of our still young 21st Century. It viscerally depicts American heroes fighting my war against m…

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WikChip Video Greatest Bromance Movie of All Time
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Army of Crime
Very Good 71 Points 2009

Turns out the French Resistance wasn’t entirely French, with the Nazis dubbing one largely foreign group The Army of Crime. More legitimately known as the Manouchian Group, they were spectacularly effective in metro Paris during 1943, a feat inadvertently highlighted by the Nazi propaganda pos…

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WikChip Image "Liberators?" Yes, as a matter of fact.
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2 Guns
OK 69 Points 2013

A merely OK movie can still be enjoyable if it’s got something outstanding about it. Primo buddies do the trick in 2 Guns. The rest of the cast and film? Less than stellar and just OK. Plus the title doesn’t help.

2 Guns is too blunt – so 2 speak.

I wanted to bump up my final summa…

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WikChip Image Perfect buddies do their thing in 2 G...
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  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
Mulholland Falls
Good 66 Points 1996

Glamorous L.A. noir from back when real men wore fedoras makes Mulholland Falls a high calorie treat. A sultry Jennifer Connolly cavorting with John Malkovich and Nick Nolte makes it a guilty pleasure. Cheesy dialogue makes it a bit tough to swallow.

Should this luxo crime thriller be bett…

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WikChip Image Malkovich & Connelly make the movie