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Great 66 Points 2017

The American hero who almost single-handedly defeated institutional racism personified his unique first name. Lots of Marshalls, just one Thurgood, which is why Marshall is a poor title for this stirring biopic. OTOH, Thurgood sounds like a thoroughly good historical drama about Thurgood Mars…

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WikChip Video Thurgood Marshall, American action hero
Great 83 Points 2016

Matthew McConaughey rode the tiger (yet again) in the under-titled Gold, the truthy tale of a hard-living, third-gen miner who never ever gives up hope. This Weinstein Company release revels in peeping at the rise, fall, rise and fall of a quasi-rapacious capitalist kook. From the Left, revenge…

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WikChip Image Gold digger closes in on paydirt
Uncle Drew
Great 66 Points 2018

Uncle Drew has great timing, both when it hit theaters and how it rolls its comedy. It premiered on-time and on-target: three weeks after the NBA playoffs concluded, just as my basketball jones started to kick in. Plus, it’s populated with proven NBA superstars, including Shaquille O’Neal, Amer…

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WikChip Video Original Uncle Drew short films
Uncut Gems
Great 66 Points 2019

Uncut Gems could be titled Deadly Sins, with the wages of sin its inevitable conclusion. Populated by a rogues gallery of serious sinners and propelled by seriously sinful decisions, the Safdie Brothers once again wallow through the flamboyant dregs of New York. It’s a glorious car-crash expe…

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WikChip Video Sandler & Garnett
Very Good 93 Points 2011

A designer drug leads to designer suits, a designer lifestyle, an inevitable come-down, and then mystery. Is that limitless? Perhaps, though the title Limitless is harder to get your mind around than the actual movie.

A classic story of ambition unfairly achieved – sheathed in pharmaceutic…

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WikChip Image Old Star & New Star: De Niro & Cooper
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "modern marvel's Review":http://www.viewgu...
  • BigdaddyDave – I'd have to give the nod to *Inception*, with its im...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/309...
The Seven Year ...
Very Good 66 Points 1955

A severely dated farce would hardly be worth watching now if it didn’t star Marilyn Monroe at her most incandescent. Even better, The Seven Year Itch features Marilyn standing atop a windy subway grate in a rather famous white halter dress – widely considered one of the iconic images of the 20…

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WikChip Image Another dress that deserves fame
Broken City
Very Good 66 Points 2013

A tremendous cast makes short work of an overwrought but underdone story in Broken City. Crowe, Wahlberg and Zeta-Jones are the single-namers, and Kyle Chandler should be. They’re not all. The strong supporting cast includes Barry Pepper, luscious Natalie Martinez and engaging newcomer Britn…

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WikChip Image Katherine Zeta-Jones' star turn
Very Good 66 Points 1986

Perfect credits lead to a fitfully entertaining movie about some monumentally smug people in Heartburn. Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson – in his prime – lead the credits. The great Mike Nichols directs, fifteen years after directing Nicholson in the scandalous Carnal Knowledge

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WikChip Image Jack in his prime
Side Effects
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Tangled murder mystery, 2013 psychiatric variety, thy name is Side Effects. Shrink meds have become a defining phenomena of our therapeutic age, yet brain doctors lack diagnostics beyond human observation. Still. No imaging, no blood tests but for some side-effects. Side-effects plus murder …

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WikChip Image There she is, all happy. Great acting.
How to Marry a ...
Very Good 66 Points 1953

How to Marry a Millionaire opens with a five minute bravura orchestral concert, which amazing though it is, is five minutes of men in tuxes when you’re expecting Marilyn Monroe.

Then you get Lauren Bacall as the queen bee, the head girl, the model with a plan. And a luscious Marilyn. And …

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WikChip Image Marilyn at the premier. 'Nuff said.