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The Amazing Spi...
Great 83 Points 2012

Imagine there’s no Spider-Man. It’s easy if you try.
No web below us, above us only sky.

Imagine Spider-Man as if Toby Maguire never wore the suit and James Franco were still a sensitive nobody. Seen thusly, The Amazing Spider-Man is a great movie, notwithstanding a treacly story that…

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WikChip Image Girlfriend of the Century: Emma's Gwen
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Great 83 Points 2012

Wow. Few contemporary dramas are as fully realized, involving and insightful as the unfortunately titled Margaret. Title aside, the movie’s other negative is a two and a half hour running time, and that’s for the version available from iTunes and Amazon. Apparently there’s also a three hour …

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WikChip Image Pacquin acting out. Damon allowing it.
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Premium Rush
Great 83 Points 2012

Premium Rush deserves to be a huge hit. Aptly titled, it delivers as declared. A premium rush it is.
Smart, sexy, thrilling, powerful, fresh and original, it’s an instant classic and a first rate crowd-pleaser.

It’s also the best smartphone movie yet, even if the app-tivity mostly happens…

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WikChip Image JGL & Dania Ramirez: Hot biker couple
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Barely OK 66 Points 2012

Second-rate performances by first-rate stars in a second-rate thriller with a heavy-handed political agenda make Arbitrage a third-rate movie. Don’t believe the praise it’s received from the Mainstream Media. They’re in love with writer-director Nicholas Jarecki’s politics more than his movie…

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WikChip Image The movie's lone shining star: Tim Roth
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Barely OK 66 Points 2012

The poster tells the tale. Robert Pattinson starring in a David Cronenberg movie of a Don DeLillo book is all you need to know about Cosmopolis. A deeply surreal fable about the evil rich as embodied by a soulless manqué sums it up. Oh yeah, bloody wounds get inflicted. It is a David Cronenb…

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WikChip Image Financial vampire in 4 wheel stretch ...
A Late Quartet
Very Good 69 Points 2012

A Late Quartet is a pleasant surprise, a little movie getting its main airplay nowadays at 30,000 feet. Tune in when it comes on if you appreciate intelligent interpersonal drama, with relatable adults working through the consequences of a lifetime of decisions, mistakes and challenges. Four …

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WikChip Image Colleagues, Family, Lovers: Complicated
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Lay the Favorite
Very Good 66 Points 2012

True stories bear a burden when they get turned into movies. Stay true to the story and the movie will be less than spectacular. Punch it up and get accused of selling out.

Lay the Favorite falls prey to the former as it recounts a real young woman’s underground education. The indomitable…

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WikChip Image Formidable Wife: Catherine's Tulip
Too Big to Fail
Barely OK 66 Points 2011

The NY Times’ take on the banking crisis endgame gets reenacted in this made-for-HBO docudrama. Notwithstanding the Big Lie told in the middle, the movie otherwise seems to competently essay the mechanics of the fall of Lehman Brothers, AIG and the imposition of TARP.

The Big Lie comes when t…

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WikChip Image Tim Geithner: Mr. Too-Big-To-Fail him...
The Adjustment ...
Barely OK 88 Points 2011

It’s a romantic thriller. No wait, it’s a lame sorta scifi story that never really adds up. Pity, because the strong cast works well, with romantic leads Matt Damon and Emily Blunt demonstrating real chemistry.

How does a misfire like The Adjustment Bureau get made?

You can just see the…

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Tower Heist
OK 71 Points 2011

Not especially funny or thrilling, Tower Heist does offer a proven cast of name actors and a topical story. In fairness, I viewed it on an airliner seatback screen. While seeing it in the theater is no longer an option, viewing it on a big flatscreen in a home theater may have stimulated a hi…

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WikChip Image More Murphy please, at least in this ...