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21 Jump Street
Great 83 Points 2012

The 21st century 21 Jump Street bangs the gong — comedy style — by expertly exploiting high school and cop show cliches. Well mounted, creatively inspired and charismatically performed, it’s almost enough to give commercial crap a good name. OK, maybe not, but it’s entertaining as hell.


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WikChip Image Hot for teacher? No. Hot for student.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Good 28 Points 2011

Shy, young Adam learns he is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Tough news indeed. Then try having your girlfriend cheat on you. Even tougher. Good thing you have got the best buddy ever, a cute therapist who hasn’t yet learned how to separate her personal and professional lives, and a take …

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Sherlock Holmes...
Great 83 Points 2011

Britishly brilliant movie entertainment, what with Victorian-era detective shenanigans done up in state-of-the-art action movie hyper-reality. This latest Sherlock Holmes re-renders Guy Ritchie & Robert Downey Jr’s boldly boffo origin movie

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WikChip Image Don't judge him. It worked for Tony C...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Little Birds
Great 83 Points 2011

Small town BFFs get into big trouble in this high quality yet overlooked drama about disaffected youth. How disaffected? Both girls are from troubled households, though one has a good head on her shoulders. The other? A “cutter” and Mean Girl extraordinaire. Together they anchor a terrific i…

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WikChip Image Here comes trouble.
Good 78 Points 2011

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue: Bridesmaids has ’em all. Concocted to score with young women, adult comedy fans of both sexes will also find this post-post-feminist movie genuinely funny, albeit not riotously funny.

Let’s start with something old: thirtysom…

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WikChip Video Bridesmaids' Featurette
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
I Love You, Man
Great 71 Points 2009

Bro-larious. 40% LOL, which is damn good, plenty sufficient and about all you can expect, really. The movie amusingly skewers many demographics: brides and grooms, marrieds and singles, slackers and young professionals, gays and straights, not to mention that ever self-indulgent cohort – LA ass…

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Really Great 108 Points 2007

Superbad is still super funny, super filthy and super telling. That last is somewhat inadvertent, but the movie is more than just a lens into the fetid minds of unsupervised boys. The porn-powered self-absorption it observes among millennials dates it as Origin of the Snowflakes. "Just how I …

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WikChip Video Super Funny Script
Wedding Crashers
Great 66 Points 2005

Wedding Crashers still slays almost a decade and a half after it knocked ‘em dead in theaters. But it also feels suddenly dated, and not just because it harks from BI (Before iPhone). No, it’s a fossil because it makes light of womanizing, a comedy topic that’s decidedly unwelcome in the post-2…

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WikChip Video The famous breakfast scene
Fight Club
Perfect 107 Points 1999

Let’s talk about Fight Club. A contemporary classic, David Fincher’s surreal masterpiece makes killer use of several cinematic power tools: sophisticated CGI and film processing, faux sophisticated alienation, throbbing music, Brad Pitt. You gotta give this nihilistic triumph grudging credit….

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WikChip Image Brad Fucking Pitt
The Iron Giant
None Yet 0 Points 1999