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Saving Mr. Banks
Really Great 66 Points 2013

Mary Poppins has a fascinating and affecting backstory. Who knew. Yet it’s not a surprise when you think about it. Then, how much have we thought about Mary Poppins? Deeply that is. We’ve watched it, each of us, first as kids, loving it like no other movie. It’s the perfect kid’s movie afte…

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WikChip Video Don't love this? You're dead.
None Yet 0 Points 2018
Secondhand Lions
Very Good 66 Points 2003

Great-uncles lead to great adventure for a boy in need of a loving home. Some have put down this movie as sentimental and bland, but I found it wry and satisfying. Especially for boys and men, the resonance runs deep. Come to think of it, it would be the perfect movie to watch on Father’s Day,…

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Sleepless In Se...
Very Good 2 Points 1993

Sam (Hanks) and his son, Jonah, move to Seattle after the tragic death of his wife. It’s been a year and a half since her death, and Sam is still struggling to come to terms with her death. One night Jonah phones up a radio show to tell a psychiatrist all about his dad, eventually Sam continues…

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WikChip Image Could you fall in love based on a voice?
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "stephparsons's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Sling Blade
Really Great 83 Points 1996

An American classic, Billy Bob Thornton’s Sling Blade rings true to small town norms and values. Most of its characters are good people, to Thornton’s credit as the movie’s writer, director and star, and son of small town Arkansas himself. The two bad ones trigger well crafted drama that feel…

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WikChip Image Masterful Acting: Walsh & Thornton
Smart People
Great 82 Points 2008

Very funny ensemble piece about a man and his family struggling to move beyond the long-ago death of his wife, Smart People deftly skewers the low EQ of some high IQ people.1

Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker are perfectly serviceable in not very likable roles. Good thing Thomas Haden C…

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Summer Hours
Great 66 Points 2008

A finely observed familial drama about siblings dealing with the death of their mother and the disposition of their museum-like childhood home, Summer Hours disdains standard movie drama. It’s edgeless, a film for two mature cohor…

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WikChip Image Mother and Daughter of Privilege
Sunshine Cleaning
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A quality date movie for grownups, Sunshine Cleaning shares more than just an ironically radiant title with 2006’s Little Miss Sunshine. Both are about overcoming failed dreams, not to mention both feature Alan Arkin as a kooky grandfather. While this year’s model doesn’t reach the inspired…

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Very Good 98 Points 2008

This surprisingly effective revenge thriller plays better than its formulaic trailer might suggest. The mix of A-List star, well written script and competent direction injects plenty of life into an implausible set-up and the resulting cat-and-mouse games.

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WikChip Image A-List Star Slumming = Movie Worth Se...
3 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • jasonhurwitz – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Excellent review Tom. I hadn't heard anything about...
Temple Grandin
Very Good 66 Points 2010

Doubly fascinating and deeply touching, this HBO-made biopic rises well above run-of-the-mill TV movies, especially those derided as disease of the week. While deftly produced and acted, it largely shines due to the singularity of its subject, a noble pioneer in two important realms.

“Dr. T…

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WikChip Video Well done trailer, well done movie.