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Happy Feet Two
Pretty Awful 66 Points 2011

Disjointed, unfunny and preachy aren’t what the doctor calls for in family entertainment. Oh yeah, in a movie full of musical numbers, it doesn’t help that the songs are neither memorable or catchy.

How disjointed and unfunny? The theater we were in was dead, no laughter, only the occasional…

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Howard the Duck
None Yet Points 1986
Teenage Mutant ...
None Yet Points 1991
The Transformer...
None Yet 0 Points 1986
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Teenage Mutant ...
None Yet Points 1993
3 Ninjas Kick Back
None Yet Points 1994
3 Ninjas Knuckl...
None Yet Points 1995
3 Ninjas: High ...
None Yet Points 1998
MVP: Most Valua...
None Yet 0 Points 2000
None Yet 0 Points 2001