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Jack the Giant ...
Good 17 Points 2013

A new twist on Jack serves as the vehicle to kick in the 3D action for the family. Unlike movies like ‘Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunders’, Jack stays a little truer to its fairly-tale roots, including a love story where the humble Jack goes for the seemingly out of reach princess. Within the c…

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Charlie and the...
Very Good 11 Points 2005

Has it’s flaw for sure, but still a fun and entertaining movie. Good enough to silence those who were outraged at the idea of remaking this movie. While some additions are welcome changes from the original film and more loyal to the book, others over-complicate the film and are essentially distra…

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Bee Movie
Very Good 4 Points 2007

Jerry Seinfeld entertains and DreamWorks SKG make another quality family film, but the cameos were distracting to the story, which could’ve been funnier.

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Camp Rock
Very Good 17 Points 2008

The Jonas Brothers(focasing on Joe Jonas) stared in this movie about a camp in witch kids showed their talent in dancing, singing, and music producing. A clear Disney movie. Although adults may like this movie, kids would enjoy it most. (Review by Katherine)

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Monsters vs. Al...
Very Good 19 Points 2009

Really fun movie. The girlfriend and I saw this movie a few nights ago, and while we weren’t peeing ourselves from laughing extremely hard, we did get many laughs and giggles out of the film. The characters work well together, though I have to admit that I wanted Insectosaurus to die die die di…

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Where the Wild ...
Very Good 12 Points 2009

One of the most beloved children’s books of all time comes to the big screen in the hands of Spike Jonze. Jonze and co. take a ten sentence book and make it into a 90 min. movie. Now, there have been movies adapted from short little books including such crap as Cat in the Hat and special gems lik…

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Tooth Fairy
Very Good 12 Points 2010

Great kids movie, but certainly not a movie most adults will watch just because. And yes, I watched it … on an airplane, so don’t judge me.

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Secondhand Lions
Very Good 66 Points 2003

Great-uncles lead to great adventure for a boy in need of a loving home. Some have put down this movie as sentimental and bland, but I found it wry and satisfying. Especially for boys and men, the resonance runs deep. Come to think of it, it would be the perfect movie to watch on Father’s Day,…

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The Muppet Movie
Great 12 Points 1979

The story of the how the muppets all met each other, this movie is full of corny one-liners and our loveable, furry friends. It is a lot of fun, and children from 1 to 92 will always enjoy it. Amongst the fun features of this film are: the amazing blending of puppets with real life; cameos from…

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Racing Stripes
Great 1 Points 2005
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