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A Perfect Getaway
Great 76 Points 2009

Kick-ass and funny, clever and surprising, this adventure thriller delivers plenty of twists, turns and vistas. For audiences who like to be teased and challenged, this is old school. Hitchcock – the Master of Suspense himself – would have been proud.

A Perfect Getaway suffers a bit from t…

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WikChip Image Everyone's on the lookout for killers.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "izzio's Review":/movie_reviews/2239-a-per...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1964-a-perf...
Joe Kidd
Great 66 Points 1972

The great Elmore Leonard wrote two kinds of scripts, great ones and, well, er, the great Elmore Leonard wrote one kind of script, not counting the two genres he wrote: Westerns and darkly funny crime dramas. Known more now for the latter, he was a modern master of the former, populating his hair…

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WikChip Video Guitar kicks in 40s into the Joe Kidd...
48 Hrs.
Great 66 Points 1982

Big time action-comedies kind of got started with Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy in 48 Hrs. Big stars, big action, big laughs – big time. Walter Hill was an action guy, a Western action guy. Directing megahunk Nolte, with a never funnier Murphy, set in San Francisco, his big hit paved the way f…

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WikChip Video "New Sheriff in Town" Reggie Hammond
Great 66 Points 1998

Sure bets usually aren’t. For those of us who like casinos and crime movies however, Croupier is a lock. With all due respect to Martin Scorsese, it arguably tops his Casino as the quintessential casino movie.

It centers on a croupier (_de…

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WikChip Video Slick Dealing & Chip Handling
Great 17 Points 1993

Every possible plot you’d want from a western is weaved in to Tombstone, and a stellar cast makes this film a must-see on any fan of the genre’s “must see” list. Kurt Russel, Val Kilmer (who is great imho), Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton , Powers Boothe, Charlton Heston, Jason Priestley…. Need I g…

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The Departed
Great 95 Points 2006

High quality Scorsese with a bold faced cast operating at the top of their games, this movie misses serious greatness due to the ultimate absurdity of its plot and its numerous circoreality liberties.

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Great 83 Points 2012

High-powered action thrillers should all be this accomplished. Contraband smuggles a slyly clever plot, heavy-metal action and solid exploitation of an underexploited setting into theaters. A strong cast led by Mark Wahlberg is less a secret but no less an asset for this savvy crowd-pleaser….

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WikChip Image Merchant Marine Heavy-Metal Action
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Seven Psychopaths
Great 66 Points 2012

Seven psychopaths, a Shih Tzu and an alcoholic screenwriter add up to a damn funny movie. Each psycho gets featured in a short within the larger movie, then gets additional screen-time based on how immediately expendable they are. As with horror-comedies, most are introduced just to get enterta…

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WikChip Image Walken's zenfully weird psycho
Gangster Squad
Great 95 Points 2013

The first great movie of 2013 is Gangster Squad.

Oh great, what we’ve got here is a movie featuring a bunch of Hollywood Liberals gunning down loads of people with weapons they’d like to ban in real life, all in the name of entertainment. Only in America.

OTOH, what’s great is a richly p…

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WikChip Image Bogie & Bacall? Gosling & Stone
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
End of Watch
Great 83 Points 2012

I avoided End of Watch when it came out in 2012, thinking it was just a steroidal TV Cop Show, moviestar Jake Gyllenhaal notwithstanding. Then David Ayer’s movie demanded attention, given BrianSez’s effusive review and Ayer’s recent mas…

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WikChip Video Cop Dogma in Outstanding Open Scene