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The Three Muske...
Pretty Bad 71 Points 2011

All for one and one for … naught. Paul W.S. Anderson’s CGI-crazy take on The Three Musketeers has some great visuals to recommend it and gobs of silly gimmickry to destroy it. The gimmickry won, meaning the viewer loses. Steer clear.

The movie consists of cockamamie action scenes inter…

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WikChip Image The King & his Minister in the Louvre
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
None Yet 0 Points 2011
10,000 B.C.
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Indiana Jones a...
None Yet 0 Points 1984
Top Gun
None Yet 0 Points 1986
The Mummy
None Yet 0 Points 1999
King Kong
None Yet 0 Points 1933

obviously the best horror film since the shining but you can obviously tell the gorilla is fake

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6 Replies
  • The Stoned H... – Regarding "ledzeppelin's Review":/movie_reviews/1646...
  • MJ5K – Sorry, Wick, I was just saying to Zep that King Kong...
  • MJ5K – Sorry, Wick, I was just saying to Zep that King Kong...
  • Wick – The genre's been changed to Adventure, MJ5K. Thanks...
Knight Rider
None Yet Points 2008
King Kong
None Yet 0 Points 1976
The River Wild
None Yet 0 Points 1994