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Really Great 9 Points 1978

Let me just say this: If this movie didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have any of the Dark Knight’s, Iron Man’s, Thor’s, Captain America’s, Spider Man’s, or any of the epic comic book films we have today. While a teency bit dated, Superman (Or Superman: The Movie, if you want it to be official) remains o…

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The Warriors
Good 19 Points 1979

A blast to a surreal 70’s past, this movie follows the ‘Warriors’ gang – framed for killing a multi-gang ringleader. A very simple plot to follow, lots of action, outlandish wardrobe, lots of 70’s speak, free-lovin’ women and nostalgic musical diversions which when all put together made it very f…

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Mad Max
None Yet 0 Points 1979
Zulu Dawn
Good 17 Points 1979

I’d call Zulu Dawn “the Little Bighorn of South Africa.” If ever there was a cause more unjust – it was the British attempt to oust the Zulus from their territories in South Africa – despite the fact they were honoring an agreement to stay away. And, as this is a true story, I’m not spoi…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
A Force Of One
None Yet 0 Points 1979
The Exterminator
None Yet 0 Points 1980
Escape From New...
None Yet 0 Points 1981
None Yet 0 Points 1981
Das Boot
Perfect 83 Points 1981

One of the all-time great submarine movies, so terrific it even had this Yiddish Yank rooting for the Nazi Navy.

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The Dogs of War
OK 17 Points 1981

Got African dictator coup? It used to be cliche, but its been a while – so I indulged myself in this action movie sleeper. In the end, I was entertained, but not overly impressed. Decent action, but not enough of it. Classic Christopher Walken drama – but slightly over done. A lot of time for c…

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