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Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Tye Sheridan continues his JLaw moviestar ascent as yet another grievously put-upon Southern boy in Joe. Nicolas Cage delivers one of his best roles in years as Joe: classic Cage, peccadilloes galore, heavily armed. Textbook movie drama ensues. A wastrel man is made better by protecting an u…

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WikChip Image Portrait of Tye Sheridan as a young man
John Carter
OK 20 Points 2012

Taylor Kitsch is John Carter, a civil war era yankee and indian fighter transplanted to Mars only to find himself in another fight. A fight for a hot woman and against bad guys bent on destroying the planet. This was a hodge-podge of a movie that tries to borrow from every Sci Fi film you’ve e…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://www.viewgu...
Juliet, Naked
Good 66 Points 2018

Charming romcoms that are more intelligent than LOL funny are worth their weight in popcorn. Juliet, Naked is lightly buttered, a fine time at the movies for smart comedy fans as much as for lonely hearts.

An exceptionally strong cast centers on the serene beauty of brainy Rose Byrne, who i…

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WikChip Video Beauty & Two Beasts
Killing Them So...
Very Good 66 Points 2012

Star power in service to dark humor makes Killing Them Softly an entertaining time at the movies, and will make it seem even more entertaining as an on-demand rental soon enough.

This second movie that Brad Pitt has made with director Andrew Dominik is crisply constructed and often funny, wh…

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WikChip Image Pitt: star power in service to dark h...
Very Good 66 Points 2008

Little seen yet worth seeking out for fans of hard-bitten crime stories and charismatic acting, this recent crime thriller suffered from a studio divorce but emerged a very good movie nonetheless. A passel of great stars – Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane, Thomas Jane, Joseph Gordon-Levitt – easily bri…

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WikChip Image Killshot: Plenty of hot, dark action.
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Heard of the Bondurant School of Driving? Lawless is the Bondurant school of bootlegging, V8 Fords careening along dirt roads included. Indeed, the story of a legendary family of moonshiners from Western Virginia – the Bondurants – gets a monumental telling in this powerfully assured and ente…

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WikChip Image Guy Pearce's dandy of a villain
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Les Misérables
Barely OK 78 Points 2012

People want to love Les Miz and many have, including the Oscars and a fellow ViewGuider. Fair enough. Beloved is beloved, especially when a blockbuster movie doesn’t stint on production values or star power. Sometimes however, an ugly truth is hiding right in plain sight, or in plain earshot…

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WikChip Image Samantha Barks stands out in a crowd
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Life of Pi
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Portraying religious faith amidst tragic hardship is a lot of weight for a mainstream movie to carry. Fortunately Life of Pi features visual wonders and frequent grace notes to lighten the load, resulting in an exhausting if moving cinematic experience.

The movie is taken from the celebrate…

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WikChip Image Boy, Tiger, Whale: Wondrous
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Lonesome Dove
Really Great 17 Points 1989

This epic TV miniseries follows ex Texas Rangers (Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones) as they steal horses in Mexico then get involved in a cattle drive to Montana in the 1880’s. A little Kitschy at times, but endearing to watch the pair banter back and forth and perform their manly cowboy roles. …

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...