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The Martian
Really Great 83 Points 2015

The Martian is an instant laureate in the SciFi Golden Age we’re now enjoying. Ridley Scott directs Matt Damon in this landmark movie, the latest in two careers full of them. Their Martian is the highest of high concepts, perfectly conceived. Andy Weir’s lauded novel comes gloriously to life in…

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WikChip Video Outtakes from the Ares 3 Crew
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Legend of T...
Great 83 Points 2016

The Legend of Tarzan is a ton of fun, notwithstanding being leavened by some seriously nasty business. How much fun? Most everyone around me were laughing and cheering by the third reel. One girl took to throwing her arms in the air at each thrilling turn. In the end, the entire theater applaud…

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WikChip Video Dishing about Jane's sex with Tarzan
Jack Reacher: N...
Very Good 83 Points 2016

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back improves on the 2012 origin movie by locating its story within the military world from which Reacher sprang and by limiting the ultra violence.1 That said, Tom Cruise and his supporting cast are somewhat less impressive this time out, nor is the dialog as snap-crac…

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WikChip Image Ageless Action Star
Ready Player One
Great 83 Points 2018

Ready Player One is plenty of fun, yet is leavened by SciFi seriousness. It’s also kind of a cult movie, yet worked for a newbie like me. The more pop culture you know, especially 80s pop culture, the more fun it is.

Steven Spielberg’s best SciFi in 25 years is often an extended visual tickl…

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WikChip Video Hundreds of Easter Eggs, yikes
Les Misérables
Barely OK 78 Points 2012

People want to love Les Miz and many have, including the Oscars and a fellow ViewGuider. Fair enough. Beloved is beloved, especially when a blockbuster movie doesn’t stint on production values or star power. Sometimes however, an ugly truth is hiding right in plain sight, or in plain earshot…

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WikChip Image Samantha Barks stands out in a crowd
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Casino Royale
Perfect 75 Points 2006

Is there a better Bond movie? From the B&W opening’s clever incorporation of Bond shooting at the camera, to ‘Bond, James Bond’ not coming till the final line, Casino Royale visits the de rigueur touchstones in fresh, inventive ways. Daniel Craig barely cracks a smile or a smirk, yet is funny…

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The Commitments
Very Good 73 Points 1991

The Commitments retains its charm some 25 years after it premiered, even as Ireland and the music world have changed dramatically in the intervening quarter-century. That charm stems from a can’t-miss combination of sweet soul music, quirky characters coming together in a band, and some real se…

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WikChip Video Irish take on sweet soul music
Gone with the Wind
Perfect 71 Points 1939

Gone with the Wind has something for everyone, and a lot of it over almost four hours. History, passion, racial controversy: Male or female, war movie or romance fan, this movie demands that you give a damn. Oh yeah, that famous line of Rhett Butler’s – “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”…

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WikChip Video "You need kissing badly": Surprisingl...
3 Replies
  • MJ5K – Indeed.
  • Wick – No. The "AFI currently has it at number 4":http://e...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2310-gone-w...
Touch of Evil
Very Good 69 Points 1958

“Do you realize I haven’t kissed you in over an hour?” says Charlton Heston to Janet Leigh at the end of Touch of Evil’s famous opening scene, three and a half minutes of directorial perfection. One long tracking shot, it features close-ups leading to long shadows, followed by long shots of cho…

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WikChip Video Touch of Genius: the legendary opening
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://viewguide....
2 Guns
OK 69 Points 2013

A merely OK movie can still be enjoyable if it’s got something outstanding about it. Primo buddies do the trick in 2 Guns. The rest of the cast and film? Less than stellar and just OK. Plus the title doesn’t help.

2 Guns is too blunt – so 2 speak.

I wanted to bump up my final summa…

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WikChip Image Perfect buddies do their thing in 2 G...
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  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":