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Great 83 Points 2014

Jon Favreau clocks a home run with Chef, a flat-out fantastic little movie. Funny and feel-good, yet not fatuous, Favreau downshifts from Iron Man into an almost equally impressive result. The guy wrote the story and stars as a likable da…

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WikChip Video Kid gets Dad on Twitter
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Really Great 83 Points 2013

“God doesn’t play dice” said Einstein, but James Ward Byrkit does, entertainingly so in Coherence, one of the better low-budget SciFi movies in cinematic history. Heck, are any more more low budget than this?

I didn’t realize how geeky the whole thing was till saying the word Coherence at …

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WikChip Video Willow Glen's SciFi Thriller
Dawn of the Pla...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a superior successor to 2011’s Great Ape Movie, the terrific Planet of the Apes reboot. An upgraded human cast rectifies the origin movie’s one significant flaw, while the ape acting – previously Bogart quality – has become downright Brando-esque. *#DawnOfA…

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WikChip Image Hail Caesar! The Great Ape Autocrat
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
When the Game S...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

When the Game Stands Tall pegs several meters: football movies – coach movies – Bay Area movies. Arguably the greatest Football Movie ever, it is surely the first great Bay Area Football Movie. It profiles an all-time great football coach: Coach Bob Ladouceur of Concord’s legendary De La Salle…

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WikChip Video Jim Caviezel talks about Coach Lad
Kill Me Three T...
Great 83 Points 2014

Kill Me Three Times is a terrifically entertaining piece of pulp fiction. Three deadly sins – wrath, greed, lust – play out in darkly comic circumstances. Set in a sunny beach town, it’s a ripper from Down Under.

The mere seven person cast seems larger. Simon Pegg ably anchors it as a hitman…

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WikChip Video Wrath, Greed & Lust = Great Movie
Good Kill
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Obama’s War on Terror comes alive in Good Kill. Set in 2010, after the second POTUS to prosecute the Islamist War dramatically escalated drone warfare, it unflinchingly portrays the toll on airmen and their families from a new kind of combat in an incompetently defined war. Albeit fictional, it…

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WikChip Video Trailer for a thrilling & important m...
Ted 2
Really Great 83 Points 2015

America’s funniest Ted-Id-Bear is back in Ted 2, pursuing his own unique form of non-traditional marriage. Buckle up. This is compulsive satire, with the biting gags coming rat-a-tat-tat. It rarely goes more than two lines without a punchline, not even counting the visual comedy, which is nearl…

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WikChip Video Jokes about taboos you didn't know ex...
The Legend of T...
Great 83 Points 2016

The Legend of Tarzan is a ton of fun, notwithstanding being leavened by some seriously nasty business. How much fun? Most everyone around me were laughing and cheering by the third reel. One girl took to throwing her arms in the air at each thrilling turn. In the end, the entire theater applaud…

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WikChip Video Dishing about Jane's sex with Tarzan
Hacksaw Ridge
Great 83 Points 2016

Okinawa was once a byword for the savagery of war. Hacksaw Ridge plumbs the depths of that savagery and the grace that also attended it in the form of Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss. A conscientious objector, Doss was unsurpassed in bravery, personally rescuing 75 wounded men from the "t…

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WikChip Video Vince Vaughn talks war movie
Great 83 Points 2016

Casablanca it’s not, but Allied is a damn good romantic thriller set in WWII Casablanca, or at least initially set there. Most of the movie then takes place in London during the blitz, with Brad Pitt’s proto-007 thrust into domestic espionage against his wife, played by Marion Cotillard. It’s…

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WikChip Video Brad, Marion & Zemeckis talk Allied