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Great 66 Points 2006

Half anthropological study, half snuff film, Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto is fascinating and often breathtaking. Oh yeah, it’s also gratuitously violent, giving full reign to its creator’s sick taste for hand-to-hand savagery.

Mad Mel’s movie canvases a panoply of Mayan curiosities: human sacrif…

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WikChip Image Zero Wolf: Holcane Warrior captain
Little Miss Sun...
Perfect 71 Points 2006

A contemporary classic: bracing, funny and ultimately heartwarming. Little Miss Sunshine mines the modern American family – in all its dysfunctional glory – for more than enough laughs to lighten a harshly judgmental movie. The result is something lovable, real and durable, not unlike most fa…

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Alpha Dog
Very Good 66 Points 2006

Suburban drug running goes tragically awry in this fictionalized account of a real Southern California murder. Nearly as alarming as the 2000 murder is the callow nihilism of the SoCal teens and twentysomethings involved with it. Living in comfort, they admire the gangsta doggs celebrated on MT…

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WikChip Image Justin Timberlake: Dude can act.
We Are Marshall
Really Great 66 Points 2006

Arguably the best football movie ever, We Are Marshall is about much more than sports. Don’t shy away because 75 people – including dozens of collegiate football players – died in the horrific plane crash that forms its centerpiece. The movie is about what led up to the tragedy and mostly abo…

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WikChip Video Great football movie about more than ...
Little Children
Really Great 83 Points 2006

Post-feminist Bovary: Closely observed, brilliantly crafted tale of suburban angst, full of knowing looks, requited lust, and post-modern self-awareness.

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WikChip Video Crisply Constructed Trailer
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The Kite Runner
Perfect 116 Points 2007

Devastatingly good story, achingly well performed, The Kite Runner – a must see movie and among the best of a very good year – illuminates one of the most important cultures of our time. Not light fare, though wonderfully joyous in stretches, The Kite Runner serves as the perfect set-up for "Char…

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WikChip Image Junior Sultans of Kabul
Mad Men
None Yet 0 Points 2007
A Secret
Really Great 66 Points 2007

More a wartime romantic mystery than anything, A Secret is nonetheless as fine a Holocaust picture as you’ll find. Being French, it’s also a sensual love story, or two.

Let’s start at the beginning even though the movie starts in the middle. A supremely athletic and thoroughly assimilated …

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WikChip Image Cécile De France: lithe object of desire
Across the Univ...
Great 91 Points 2007

Who’da thunk the best Beatles movie wouldn’t star the Beatles? OK, not the best Beatles movie, but as great a Beatles movie as one could hope for not starring the Beatles, which is pretty damn great. Really.

Across the Universe is arguably the best movie about the Sixties, unarguably set t…

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WikChip Video Sapphic "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
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  • BrettHarrison – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Feast of Love
Very Good 87 Points 2007

Fifteen years after Sleepless in Seattle, Feast of Love offers Pairing in Portland, a cinematic soap opera full of smiles, bits of sadness and wisdom, and attractive couples in love. While lite, it is entertaining.

Emotional Scores

  • You’ll laugh – 3.5 beams
  • You’ll cry – 3 beams
  • Yo…
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