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Scott Pilgrim v...
Very Good 99 Points 2010

Boy gets girl is as traditional as movies get. Scott Pilgrim gets the girl alright, but the rest of this video-game inspired romantic comedy gets pretty far from traditional.

Start with the boy, a nerdy rocker. Then the girl, a man-eater with a slew of evil – superpowered – exes, not all of…

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WikChip Image Pow! Super punch, Scott Pilgrim.
Mamma Mia!
Very Good 66 Points 2008

No one ever mistook me for a fan of Abba, nor am I the correct gender to crave a big fat musical set in Greece. Still, I have to admit that this ideal date movie is loads of fun. A great cast, terrific songs, idyllic settings, and a surprisingly engaging story make this pop confection worth see…

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Long Shot
Very Good 66 Points 2019

Long Shot is often downright hilarious while also being unintentionally revealing about the state of Left Wing America, making it a very good movie, if a sad one at the same time. So it goes in our 2019 world.

The unlikely couple at the center of this post-rom romcom are Charlize Theron’s su…

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WikChip Image Long shot? Moon shot.
The Lady Eve
Great 66 Points 1941

Preston Sturges made RomComs that are funny, sexy, glamorous, clever and sophisticated. The Lady Eve proves the point. It still works three quarters of a century later, especially with the proto-modern Barbara Stanwyck as the minx in the middle of a screwball con-game extraordinaire.


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WikChip Image The Lady Eve dress by Edith Head
Great 83 Points 1988

A rare kid’s comedy that also succeeds at the adult level, Big is truly a movie for the whole family. Well, for everyone from teens on up, as the adult elements include F-bombs and heavy titillation.

The kids-of-all-ages comedy comes from a 13-year-old who is magically transformed into a 32…

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WikChip Image Movie Magic: Hanks & Loggia play piano
Heaven Can Wait
Great 70 Points 1978

A perfect Hollywood confection, charming and LOL funny. Centered on Warren Beatty in his movie star prime, plenty believable as an all-too-good NFL quarterback.

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WikChip Image Lovely Christie
His Girl Friday
Great 66 Points 1940

Fast talking, smartalecky comedy hit a peak with His Girl Friday. Still LOL funny today, it’s also plenty clever enough to travel through the ages as intelligent entertainment for movie lovers of any generation.

How could it not be? It stars the most versatile movie star ever in Cary Grant…

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WikChip Image Grant & Russell - made for each other
Eternal Sunshin...
Great 80 Points 2004

Few love stories are so exquisitely tortured as the one in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey’s sad sack wants to forget his quirky lover, played winningly by Kate Winslet. Turns out there is a quack who offers a mind-wash. Perfect!

Except it’s not.

However it does set u…

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WikChip Image Have we met?
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  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
Safety Not Guar...
Great 83 Points 2012

Safety not guaranteed, but viewing pleasure is assured from this endearing romcom. It features a smart story about a Miss Lonelyheart falling in love with an apparently crazy time-traveler she’s researching for an exposé. His crazy but real (crazy-real?) scenario meshes well with today’s über-ir…

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WikChip Image "If it were so certain, I wouldn't be...
In a World...
Great 66 Points 2013

In a world … where shallow people and male chauvinists thrive, and attractiveness drives income, there’s a woman smart enough, pretty enough and funny enough to write, direct and star in a great little RomCom.

Lake Bell’s her name and taking on the patriarchy’s her game. Well, the part of t…

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WikChip Image Lake Bell pimps her movie