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Seven Years In ...
Great 17 Points 1997

A very entertaining epic adventure that pairs rogue mountain-climbing Austrians with Tibetans and the Dalai Lama. This serves to be an incredibly interesting way to expose us to Tibet and its history. As far as the adventure part – you get it all: mountain climbing, escaping prison, enmeshin…

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Forrest Gump
Perfect 99 Points 1994

America. My theory is that Forrest Gump serves as personification of the early baby boomers, i.e. of the America of that era. Naive, idealistic, rambunctious, Forrest’s life functions as allegory for the cultural journey of the generation that came of age during the 60s.

Whether you buy that…

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WikChip Image Lovely Hanks
6 Replies
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  • Wick – Regarding "Randy's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Randy's Review":
  • Randy – Haha that's awesome!!!
The Naked Gun
Great 66 Points 1988

Still LOL funny after all these years, The Naked Gun’s inspired lunacy retains its comedic potency.

Leslie Nielsen’s obtuse police detective played off a rogue’s gallery of evil archetypes, from the Ayatollah and other 1988 Axis of Evil bastards, to a local crime lord, earning legendary stat…

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WikChip Video Taking down an Axis of Evil
The Last Emperor
Very Good 17 Points 1987

This history of Pu Yi – the last emperor of China is quite the epic. Chinese history is not well known to most, never mind the complicated transition from Empire, to Nationalism, to Japan domination, and finally to communism. Pu Yi was born in to emperor-hood, was ousted by chiang kai shek, cozie…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Apocalypse Now
Perfect 11 Points 1979

A fantastic film cataloguing insanity, war and imperialism, Apocalypse Now is a sprawling, magnificent film that masterfully builds up dread and tension through its adaptation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

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WikChip Video Apocalypse Now Trailer
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Tibet: A Buddhi...
None Yet 0 Points 1979
Enter The Dragon
Really Great 68 Points 1973

Now this is a movie if ever there was one, a Saturday night movie for the ages. Enter The Dragon is grand entertainment and so much more. It elevated Bruce Lee to an iconic status reached by only the most rarified moviestars, in part because he mysteriously died right before its premiere. Happi…

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WikChip Video Bruce Lee vs Sammo Hung
Great 66 Points 1966

Judith features Gentile moviestars playing Jewish freedom fighters during Israel’s War of Independence. It’s amazing how glamorous a story centered on early kibbutz life at the end of the British Mandate can be.

To that end, Judith is a fabulous Sophia Loren movie. The great Loren stars a…

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WikChip Image Kibbutznick Extraordinaire
Really Great 66 Points 1965

Morituri is a terrible title for a movie, now and in 1965 when this Brando-Brynner warhorse premiered. If that wasn’t bad enough, Marlon Brando refused to do publicity, limiting himself to one line of perverse grandiosity. The movie bombed. So they renamed it The Saboteur: Code Name Morituri

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Great 66 Points 1959

More than just the chariot race, Ben-Hur virtually defines big screen epic. At three and a half hours, it’s a lot of movie, full of bravura performances, grand visuals, and tasteful religious symbolism. One of only three movies to win 11 Oscars,1 it deserves the acclaim that accompanies the…

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WikChip Image Ben-Hur: This, in widescreen Technico...