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Bull Durham
Great 66 Points 1988

Bull Durham set a new standard for sports movies. Jocks on screen had never been this smart, this sexy, this suave. It’s also a classic Susan Sarandon liberated-woman picture, here a JuCo English teacher with a thing for baseball players. She’s pretty and they’re dumb, until she runs into Kevin…

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WikChip Video I believe, Crash Davis style
Uncut Gems
Great 66 Points 2019

Uncut Gems could be titled Deadly Sins, with the wages of sin its inevitable conclusion. Populated by a rogues gallery of serious sinners and propelled by seriously sinful decisions, the Safdie Brothers once again wallow through the flamboyant dregs of New York. It’s a glorious car-crash expe…

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WikChip Video Sandler & Garnett
Rust and Bone
Great 66 Points 2012

The good news about Rust and Bone is that it’s not about an orca trainer’s accident. It’s about her recovery. In any case, hers is only half the story, the rest being about an oafish stud with a small child in tow. What happens to father and son is tougher to take than what happens to her – …

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WikChip Image Communing Mammals: Human and Orca
The Grandmaster
OK 66 Points 2013

Stately to a fault, reverential to an extreme, The Grandmaster is kung fu cinema elevated to formal art. Stodginess aside, it no doubt lingers in the mind’s eye of hard core kung fu fans, let alone for the legendary Ip Man’s disciples. For the rest of us – focused on the Bruce Lee connection …

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WikChip Image Hey, isn't that little Bruce Lee?
Ip Man 2: Legen...
OK 66 Points 2010

Ip Man 2 was supposed to focus on the legendary Grandmaster’s relationship with Bruce Lee, his most famous disciple. But Lee’s descendants didn’t go along with the plan, so the movie ends up being about Ip Man’s post-war struggles to establish Wing Chun kung fu in colonial Hong Kong. The resul…

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WikChip Image Ip Man teaches Wing Chun kung fu
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Movies about real people who lived lives like you’d see in a movie aren’t often great movies, which Rush isn’t. It is – however – a well executed albeit conventional biopic, of the sporting variety.

Superstar powered by Chris Hemsworth as racing superstar James Hunt, it never reaches RUSH t…

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WikChip Image The real Lauda & Hunt: screen ready
Ford v Ferrari
Perfect 66 Points 2019

A whip-smart script about whip-smart people doing world historic things in super-cool cars going 200 MPH makes Ford v Ferrari perhaps the best sports biopic ever. Its perfect cast is led by a perfect Matt Damon.

Granted, the moviemakers had loads to work with given how iconic was the Ford GT…

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WikChip Video Cast & Director Speak
Jerry Maguire
Great 18 Points 1996

A Tom Cruise classic. Sometimes formulaic, but a great moral-telling story how even the glitzy can be vulnerable. Goding was a great pick for the “show me the money” athelite, and the romance between Cruise and Zellweger works as well. Nice appearance by Bonnie Hunt as Zellweger’s sister.

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OK 17 Points 2011

A dramatic tale of Manchester United in the 50’s and the Munich air crash that killed 8 team members. As with most sports movies, Manchester starts with the usual formula: work hard, come from behind, do great things. Then Munich happened. Just like you’d expect, things got depressing – de…

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Very Good 17 Points 2013

42 gives us a part of baseball history that fans and non-fans alike should see. As much as it is a decent baseball story, it is an even better story about American history. This glimpse into how Jackie Robinson made his way from a Negro league to the Brooklyn Dodgers was more complex than a simpl…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...