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None Yet 0 Points 2014
Jack the Giant ...
Good 17 Points 2013

A new twist on Jack serves as the vehicle to kick in the 3D action for the family. Unlike movies like ‘Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunders’, Jack stays a little truer to its fairly-tale roots, including a love story where the humble Jack goes for the seemingly out of reach princess. Within the c…

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Monsters Univer...
None Yet 0 Points 2013
None Yet 0 Points 2013
Despicable Me 2
None Yet 0 Points 2013
The Way, Way Back
Perfect 86 Points 2013

The Way, Way Back is the perfect summer movie from this Summer of `13. It opens and closes with a painfully awkward teen in the late, lamented way-way-back of a 1970 Buick Estate Station Wagon.

In between he spends a life-changing summer at the beach house of his mom’s asshole boyfriend, pl…

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WikChip Image Awkward boy meets way, way cool girl
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
Really Great 83 Points 2013

Thor Heyerdal and Kon-Tiki have been the coolest sounding names for well over half a century now. They certainly made an impression on me as a kid, when Heyerdal was already a longstanding legend. It didn’t hurt that his name was Thor – not uncommon for Nordics, yet still bold. He wore it well…

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WikChip Video Shark!! Stunning VFX throughout the ...
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Thor: The Dark ...
Great 66 Points 2013

A ton of fun, notwithstanding its fashionably dark title, Thor: The Dark World features great baddies, ample turnabout, strong women and one mighty powerful hammer. My theater really enjoyed it, dates even more than dudes, judging from all the female laughter. That was mostly triggered by two…

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WikChip Video "As excuses go, it's not ... terrible."
The Hunger Game...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

The silver screen has never seen a contemporary ideal the likes of Katniss Everdeen, male or female. Jennifer Lawrence’s rise to superstardom is wrapped up in her personification of this revolutionary hero, this secular Joan of Arc for our post-modern times. J.Law channels J.Arc to become K.E…

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WikChip Image They have relationship issues.
None Yet 0 Points 2013