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Perfect 83 Points 2013

Her is set in Los Angeles by way of Shanghai – palm trees, beaches and lots and lots of super tall towers. People barely engage with other people. They engage with cybots: robotic cyber-beings purringly delivered.

Scarlett Johansen turns in the sexiest performance of her career as Samantha…

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WikChip Image Sexiest Blind Date Ever
5 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • TerryEinstein – It's so interesting how smart people of like minds c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • TerryEinstein – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Tye Sheridan continues his JLaw moviestar ascent as yet another grievously put-upon Southern boy in Joe. Nicolas Cage delivers one of his best roles in years as Joe: classic Cage, peccadilloes galore, heavily armed. Textbook movie drama ensues. A wastrel man is made better by protecting an u…

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WikChip Image Portrait of Tye Sheridan as a young man
Begin Again
Very Good 83 Points 2013

Begin Again is a low-key treat for grownups in need of a quality Date Night Movie. More a music romance than a people romance, music lovers and especially musicians will find in it a true bonus: Great Music!

Mark Ruffalo & Keira Knightly are terrific separately and have great chemistry toge…

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WikChip Video Lost Stars: Now this is a perfect song.
Really Great 83 Points 2013

“God doesn’t play dice” said Einstein, but James Ward Byrkit does, entertainingly so in Coherence, one of the better low-budget SciFi movies in cinematic history. Heck, are any more more low budget than this?

I didn’t realize how geeky the whole thing was till saying the word Coherence at …

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WikChip Video Willow Glen's SciFi Thriller
Jack Ryan: Shad...
Very Good 83 Points 2014

The hero of many a Tom Clancy story gets rebooted in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, a more than competent action thriller. Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley and Kenneth Branagh are much more than competent as its starring quartet, allowing the movie to draw from a deep well of moviestar…

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WikChip Image Branagh the Dir employs a killer villain
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Lego Movie
Perfect 83 Points 2014

The Lego Movie pegs the meter, several of them actually: comedy, smarts, humanity, trendiness. Simply one of the most brilliant movies of recent years and a helluva lot of fun, it’s every bit the wonderful and transcendent movie that Toy Story

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WikChip Video Fun Lego Movie Bloopers Reel
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Other Woman
Very Good 66 Points 2014

A cheated wife gets her revenge in The Other Woman by stealing the movie from “the other woman”. That would be Leslie Mann stealing from Cameron Diaz, the big star and a natural as the other woman. Mann is hilarious as a kookie wife who gets not just the last laugh, but most every other one a…

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WikChip Image Leslie Mann upstages Cameron Diaz, again
Think Like a Ma...
None Yet 0 Points 2014
Get on Up
Really Great 66 Points 2014

Get on Up joins the pantheon of great rock biopics, memorializing James Brown as a seminal rockstar whose power, pomp and circumstances paved the way for the Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Sly & the Family Stone, hip-hop and every other form of funkable & funkadelic music. Get on Up gets on…

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WikChip Video James Brown ✫ Please, Please, Pleas...
And So It Goes
Very Good 66 Points 2014

And So It Goes goes very well as a date night destination, especially for those of us who have received AARP junk mail. It’s a RomCom for the ages, the golden ages, which start pretty early these days.

Diane Keaton & Michael Douglas are perfectly cast in this classic Rob Reiner RomCom. It’s …

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WikChip Image Modern Fam: Grandpa, Granddaughter, G...