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Behind Enemy Lines
None Yet 0 Points 2001
Beat the Devil
None Yet 0 Points 1953
Barely OK 17 Points 2017

The Rock Ok in this barely Ok installment of the Bay Watch franchise. I warmed up to the raunchy humor, which almost got me over the unconvincing attempt to portray lifeguards as crime investigators. Loved the cameos from David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. Not so sure the new crew can make a …

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Great 25 Points 2012

There is nothing like the emotion behind a good war movie. Put that to use in a good humans vs. alien story, and you have the makings of a great summer blockbuster. Battleship is a worthy blockbuster indeed. The aliens are bad-ass, and the Navy is badder, and you’ll not often have a more fun ti…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Battle: Los Ang...
Barely OK 22 Points 2011

I’m a sucker for Humans v Alien movies, and when the humans are Marines, I’m a goner! One of my all time favorites of this genre is Starship Troopers. Battle of LA taps in to that same Hoo-Rah! Get them! emotion. It has sort of an aliens in Mogadishu feel. Although it has plenty of moments …

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Batman: Mask of...
Perfect 7 Points 1993

Ah, the 90s. A time of innocence. A tim of awesome movies, where Nirvana and Blink-182 ruled the music scene and Dragons roamed the skies….never mind that last part. It was also a time where animated movies kicked ass, especially superhero animated movies. Now of course, the only good animated …

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WikChip Video Batman: Mask of the Phantasm trailer
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Batman v Superm...
Good 83 Points 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is as heavy as its pretentious title suggests, with nary a great performance to elevate it. Yet this DC Comics blockbuster ably fulfills its duty of teasing nine sequels.

It opens with a replay of Batman’s boyhood origin, Superman’s having been told by DC &…

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WikChip Video It's all connected to the sequels.
Batman Returns
Great 75 Points 1992

Batman 2 endures due to Tim Burton being very Tim Burton, more than Michael Keaton being Batman or Danny DeVito being Penguin, though not more than Michelle Pfeiffer being Catwoman. Me-ow!

La magnifique Michelle purringly produced a psycho-sexual performance for the ages, a starburst that va…

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WikChip Video 25 great Catwoman quotes
Batman Forever
Bad 9 Points 1995

Batman Forever shall forever a disappointing piece of stupid BS!!!! Where do I begin on where this movie goes wrong. Well, for starters, there’s the absence of Tim Burton and Michael Keaton. The studio was not pleased with the earnings of Batman Returns, even though it was the third top grossing…

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2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Mucho Gracias, Wick. I guess I really got a lot to ...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/1...
Batman Begins
Great 22 Points 2005

After the mega disaster of a certain cinematic abomination known as Batman and Robin, there were quite a few rumors going ’round ’bout a new Batman movie. There was talk of Joel Schumacher helming a fifth film known as Batman Triumphant. The plot was going to involve Scarecrow(played by Howard St…

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