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The Mummy
None Yet 0 Points 1959
The Mummy
OK 17 Points 2017

Such a drop-dead easy movie to make. After all, since the 50’s, mummy movies have been a successful stable. Who knew that Russell Crowe and Tom Cruise could take it to such a low. The scorned-woman who makes a deal with the devil was just too far afield for me, and in the end, the film seemed l…

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The Mummy Returns
Barely OK 66 Points 2001

Oh, wait. This was a movie? Seemed more an FX ride with dialogue. I’m all for silly summer blockbusters, FX heavy and logic lite. But this one is so over-the-top that it’s distancing. Boredom follows quickly. And that’s deadly, no matter how magical the spells it seeks to cast.

The movie …

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WikChip Image Defanging what used to be terrifying.
1 Reply
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
The Mummy's Curse
None Yet 0 Points 1944
The Mummy's Ghost
None Yet 0 Points 1944
The Mummy's Tomb
None Yet 0 Points 1942
The Mummy: The ...
None Yet 0 Points 2001
The Mummy: Tomb...
Barely OK 3 Points 2008
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The Spirit
Awful 9 Points 2008

2008 was a FANTASTIC year for movies. I’d go as far as to say it was the best year in movies since 1994. There were more good movies than there were bad ones. Sure, there was some crap such as those god awful spoof movies, Max Payne, and Mummy 3, but other than a few turds, the toilet that wa…

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The Twilight Sa...
None Yet 0 Points 2012