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Very Good 66 Points 1986

Perfect credits lead to a fitfully entertaining movie about some monumentally smug people in Heartburn. Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson – in his prime – lead the credits. The great Mike Nichols directs, fifteen years after directing Nicholson in the scandalous Carnal Knowledge

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WikChip Image Jack in his prime
Conan The Destr...
None Yet 0 Points 1984
Conan The Barba...
None Yet 0 Points 1982
Blade Runner
Perfect 2 Points 1982

A perfect film, every film student should watch.
Harrison Ford at his best, Rutger Hauer in the best role of his career , a performance that reminds me of James Dean, how often do you feel sad for the villain when he dies ?
Sean Young is Gorgeous, Daryl Hannah seductive and vicious every scene …

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Das Boot
Perfect 83 Points 1981

One of the all-time great submarine movies, so terrific it even had this Yiddish Yank rooting for the Nazi Navy.

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The Dogs of War
OK 17 Points 1981

Got African dictator coup? It used to be cliche, but its been a while – so I indulged myself in this action movie sleeper. In the end, I was entertained, but not overly impressed. Decent action, but not enough of it. Classic Christopher Walken drama – but slightly over done. A lot of time for c…

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Apocalypse Now
Perfect 11 Points 1979

A fantastic film cataloguing insanity, war and imperialism, Apocalypse Now is a sprawling, magnificent film that masterfully builds up dread and tension through its adaptation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

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WikChip Video Apocalypse Now Trailer
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The Shootist
Good 66 Points 1976

John Wayne’s final movie serves as a benediction for gunfighters at the dawn of the 20th Century, and for Wayne’s career as a celluloid gunfighter. It does the latter better than the former, making it more of an obligation for fans of the Duke than for Western fans generally.

The Shootist b…

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WikChip Image Lauren Bacall: strong & lovely
The Day of the ...
None Yet 0 Points 1975
The Long Goodbye
OK 66 Points 1973

More an oddball curiosity than a successful movie, The Long Goodbye dropped a Forties private-eye story into the Seventies. Robert Altman used that juxtaposition to show how times had changed in the twenty years since the Raymond Chandler novel on which the movie is based came out. That it does…

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WikChip Image Altman directs van Pallandt & Gould