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Terminator Salv...
Very Good 87 Points 2009

A seriously cheesy course in death and dying delivered in High Comik style, TS operates as a hard slog through one well done set piece after another. This becomes rather turgid after a while, though the steel gray visuals remain mordantly engaging. Fortunately there are no gray ladies in the …

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WikChip Image A real A-10 Warthog takes out a tank
5 Replies
  • MJ5K – Thnx Wik.
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
  • MJ5K – Hell, I thought Worthington was the most overrated p...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1851-termin...
Iron Man 3
Really Great 86 Points 2013

Ironic Man returns for a third iteration with his emotional suit of armor in place, humorously deflecting intimacy from friends, foes, lovers and ex-lovers. OK, not all gets deflected. There are several close calls, even a few breakdowns. Hell, there are panic attacks. Hey, it worked in the S…

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WikChip Image Primo bad guy allows an Avenger to soar
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Blue Jasmine
Great 86 Points 2013

Cate Blanchett transfixes in Woody Allen’s superior dramedy Blue Jasmine. Playing the Jasmine of the title, Blanchett goes from Park Avenue socialite to broken vixen in a performance that masterfully oscillates between elegance and rawness. That last almost assures her an Academy Award nomina…

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WikChip Image The great Cate in Chanel & pearls w ...
4 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Tripod – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Good 86 Points 2012

Oliver Stone loves making drug-trade movies, war movies and especially drug war movies. So a California drug war makes an ideal subject for his obsessions. Savages – the title flaunts its nihilistic appeal – fills the bill. Speaking of flaunting, Stone’s movie sports rich ingredients but nev…

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WikChip Image Salma Hayek -- Cleopatra Kingpin
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
King of California
OK 84 Points 2007

Well intentioned flop: the comedy never inspires laughs and the drama never hits home. Nonetheless, the great concept – oddball father drags practical daughter on a real treasure hunt through modern day suburbia – and the likable performances by Evan Rachel Wood and Michael Douglas make this wat…

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Great 83 Points 2011

The slang for corporate recruiter once connoted a frisson of danger. Then “Headhunter” lost its edge. Headhunters returns it and then some. An insanely funny thriller, it rivals fellow Scandinavian noir classic Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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WikChip Image This doesn't end well.
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The Cabin in th...
Perfect 83 Points 2012

Is there a funnier scary movie? While not laugh-your-guts-out, The Cabin in the Woods is LOL all thru. The comedy just keeps coming and coming. Bloody deaths come too, soon a welcome part of the comedy.

Some reviewers decline to describe the movie. Just go they say. Why not describe i…

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WikChip Image Kiss Me You Fool: Sexiest Dare Ever
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Prometheus may be pretentious but it’s also spectacular and occasionally petrifying, an imperfect blockbuster to be sure but hardly an unsatisfying one. Ridley Scott rarely delivers anything less. Perhaps he’ll deliver more in the inevitable sequel.

Notwithstanding a strong cast, the space…

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WikChip Image The real star of the movie
Tinker Tailor S...
Great 83 Points 2011

The best spy movie ever isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Why? Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy unspools its complex story in non-linear fashion via a swirl of supporting characters declaiming with extreme British reserve. Many people thus find the movie nigh on impossible to follow and deadly solemn to …

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WikChip Image Deep Gravitas: Oldman's Quiet Man
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Sling Blade
Really Great 83 Points 1996

An American classic, Billy Bob Thornton’s Sling Blade rings true to small town norms and values. Most of its characters are good people, to Thornton’s credit as the movie’s writer, director and star, and son of small town Arkansas himself. The two bad ones trigger well crafted drama that feel…

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WikChip Image Masterful Acting: Walsh & Thornton