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Vicky Cristina ...
Very Good 95 Points 2008

More droll drama than pure comedy, VCB is nonetheless plenty amusing, even generating a couple of low-key LOL moments, like a racy Prairie Home Companion for the urbane.

Though sleek and understated, this remains a classic Woody Allen film, full of high-toned people cavorting in Architectu…

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WikChip Image Casa Batllo in Barcelona, designed by...
Silver Linings ...
Perfect 95 Points 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Best Movie of the Year, indeed the Great American Movie of 2012. Silver Linings Playbook serves up a perfect stew of current American enthusiasms, including the NFL, psychiatric meds and Dancing with the Stars. Oh yeah, it’s also an ultimate Philly movie. Wha…

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WikChip Image The brightest star in a star studded ...
3 Replies
  • jasonhurwitz – Finally watched this movie, and effin' A, man. It's ...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Jack Reacher
Good 95 Points 2012

Jack Reacher feels less like a movie and more like a mongo TV pilot, one sporting superstar charisma, huge production values and enough sociopathic violence to sicken half the country.

Why the sick level of violence? For Reacher to brutally exterminate the bad guys, the bad guys have to prov…

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WikChip Image She was 5 months pregnant. Just saying.
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Quantum of Solace
Very Good 93 Points 2008

Like a bad hangover from Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace plows forward as grim adventure. Bond himself starts out looking like hell, as M tartly opines. A prototypical cinematic alpha-male, he recovers quickly, medicated by a large tumbler of what appears to be Scotch. This sends the message …

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WikChip Video The real Palio from Siena Italy as in...
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  • Wick – In order, funniest to least funny, so far for me: ...
Very Good 93 Points 2011

A designer drug leads to designer suits, a designer lifestyle, an inevitable come-down, and then mystery. Is that limitless? Perhaps, though the title Limitless is harder to get your mind around than the actual movie.

A classic story of ambition unfairly achieved – sheathed in pharmaceutic…

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WikChip Image Old Star & New Star: De Niro & Cooper
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "modern marvel's Review":http://www.viewgu...
  • BigdaddyDave – I'd have to give the nod to *Inception*, with its im...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/309...
The Town
Very Good 92 Points 2010

The Town – a beefy treat for fans of crime drama from Ben Affleck, now a writer-director-star triple threat. Staying close to his boyhood home, Affleck romanticizes bank robbers from the Irish-American projects adjacent to prosperous Boston. When one of them falls for the manager of a bank th…

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WikChip Image Ultimate Boston Movie: Robbing Fenway...
2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Good point. I forgot about Hollywoodland. Another un...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
Tropic Thunder
Great 92 Points 2008

Plenty funny, at least 60% LOL, yet as with all brutally rude modern comedies, the other 40% induces winces and groans. Still funny is funny, and this sucker brings the laughs.

Much is being made of how the movie makes fun of the retarded. But why stop there? It also makes fun of blacks, Je…

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The Tree of Life
Great 92 Points 2011

Deeply affecting, Terrence Malick’s ultimate family drama omnisciently observes a nearly idyllic household afflicted by two bolts of tragedy. Love, marriage, birth, death, and all the hoods – fatherhood, motherhood, brotherhood, childhood, adulthood, neighborhood – get touched upon in the proces…

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WikChip Video This is how movie brilliance appears.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "MJ5K's Review":
Dinner for Schm...
Great 90 Points 2010

Steve Carell channels Jerry Lewis in this very funny comedy of manners. Mean on its face, it’s also cloyingly sweet on occasion, yet its mostly unerring humor slays all objections. Indeed the LOLs are never more than a few minutes away, especially when the “idiots” get untracked.

Yes "idiots…

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WikChip Video Perfect Delivery: "Is it your back?"
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  • Wick – Regarding "Spaceghost's Review":/movie_reviews/2802-...
Love Actually
Great 90 Points 2003

As cheerfully commercial Christmas movies go, Love Actually is actually a crappy, er, great one. Stars aplenty populate ten mostly separate love stories, making for a generally lighthearted confection. Writer-director Richard Curtis is a master of these trendy RomComs. Like his "Four Weddings a…

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WikChip Video Cheerful Commercial Crap Video