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X-Men Origins: ...
Good 20 Points 2009

This is a very middle of the road film. A few good moments, a few bad moments, mostly just kinda ok.

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2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Johnny Pace's Review":/movie_reviews/1837...
  • Wick – Regarding "Spaceghost's Review":/movie_reviews/1822-...
Wonder Woman
None Yet 0 Points 2009
Hellboy II: The...
Great 95 Points 2008

Funny and bizarre, HB2 brings to life an extreme dreamworld that could only emerge from the unique imagination of Guillermo del Toro. This is a freak show of epic proportions. Think bar scene in the original Star Wars extended to an entire movie…

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The Incredible ...
Very Good 99 Points 2008

Marvel follows its lead-off ‘08 home run (Iron Man) with a stand-up double. Hulk wasn’t one of my favorite Marvel characters, yet this movie is plenty entertaining, with several marvelous scenes, a few laughs and plenty of fanboy thrills.

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Great review, BrianSez. I've been underwhelmed by t...
Iron Man
Perfect 136 Points 2008

Iron Man – a super knight for our ironic age – succeeds wildly because we relate to the oh-so-human hero while laughing at his non-stop comic patter. Marvel mastermind Stan Lee, stylish director Jon Favreau and witty star Robert Downey Jr. deserve hosannas for delivering such a smart and enterta…

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WikChip Image Behold, Iron Man
3 Replies
  • cinemaman – IRON MAN great movie cant wait till the sequal come...
  • Wick – The great Iron Man reviews keep on coming. Now Snow...
  • Wick – Thanks AMC. I was lucky enough to see it at the <a ...
The Dark Knight
Perfect 173 Points 2008

Wickedly funny, morally complex, tremendously engaging: Comik movies get no better. Worthy of its monumental hype, The Dark Knight far exceeds its immediate predecessor Batman Begins and arguably outshines the original Batman….

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WikChip Image Greatest Swansong in Hollywood History
11 Replies
  • MJ5K – Ah, how could I forget. There were just too many goo...
  • Wick – Agreed. Let's not forget _Iron Man_, also from 2008.
  • MJ5K – I gotta say, Wick, as far as movies go, I'd say 2008...
  • Demona – Totally, on the flipping truck part.. I saw the behi...
Spider-Man 3
Barely OK 70 Points 2007

A tangled web of storylines, inexplicable contrivances and desultory performances mark Spider-Man 3 as the end of the line for the original Spider-Man team. Thus it’s no surprise that the next Spidey movie will feature a new director and new actors.

As for this installment, it’s barely OK f…

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WikChip Image Weak supporting cast weakens Spidey3
2 Replies
  • Wick – I'm with you MJ. Odd and unpromising choice of dire...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2231-spider...
4: Rise of the ...
Great 7 Points 2007

This movie was just a cool movie to see. For me, a lifelong comic book reader, it was great to finally see the Silver Surfer on the screen. That aside, it was actually a pretty decent flick. You can’t go into it expecting Oscar worthy, well, anything, but have fun and enjoy the ride. The firs…

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X-Men: The Last...
Very Good 74 Points 2006

Good comix story, well acted by more than a handful of great actors, and fetchingly produced.

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Batman Begins
Great 22 Points 2005

After the mega disaster of a certain cinematic abomination known as Batman and Robin, there were quite a few rumors going ’round ’bout a new Batman movie. There was talk of Joel Schumacher helming a fifth film known as Batman Triumphant. The plot was going to involve Scarecrow(played by Howard St…

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