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The Blues Brothers
None Yet 0 Points 1980
The Ice Storm
None Yet 0 Points 1997
First Cow
None Yet 0 Points 2019
None Yet 0 Points 1991
Hollywood Homicide
Pretty Awful 12 Points 2003

This is quite possibly the worst movie I’ve ever seen. It tries too hard to be funny, and fails miserably. I was putting up with all the terribleness, but when, during a 50-mph car chase, a cop car all of a sudden flipped through the air, I realized that I hated the movie and was starting to hate…

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Confessions of ...
Bad 67 Points 2009

Comedically bankrupt, with nary a laugh in the entire movie. Some appealing performances can’t rescue it from playing like a 3rd rate Devil Wears Prada.

Admittedly, I’m outside this movie’s target demographic. Still, stuck inside an airplane with noth…

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The Assassinati...
Bad 66 Points 2007

Think the title is long? Consider yourself warned: this boring movie never seems to end, meandering for nearly 2½ hours. Plus it commits the deadly sin of assuming that the viewer is familiar with the particulars of Jesse James’ early legend, without which the poorly told story has no narrative…

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Pretty Bad 66 Points 2015

Minions aren’t just evil, they’re bad, or at least their movie is bad. It’s a children’s movie and I’m an adult, sure. But other kiddie pix work for parents as well as kids, and not just those from Pixar.

Part of the problem is that the villain is more ridiculous than scary and isn’t funny a…

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Pretty Bad 66 Points 2012

Butter is rancid, a comedy devoid of laughs and full of bile. No LOLs, no guffaws, not even a single smile gets triggered by its steady stream of condescension. Mean spiritedness in a comedy can work, so long as the movie brings the laughs. If it’s unfunny, then it’s just smug, catty and mean…

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WikChip Image A figment of Hollywood imagination
Ride Along 2
Pretty Bad 66 Points 2016

Kevin Hart mugs strenuously throughout Ride Along 2, but it’s not nearly enough to give the movie comedic lift. Indeed, there’s only one other comic actor in the cast with him and that’s Ken Jeong, who is more annoying than funny. Everyone else is a straight man, which means the movie simply is…

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