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The Peanut Butt...
Really Great 66 Points 2019

One of the best movies of 2019 suffers from a terrible title of four words that don’t normally go together. People tend to ignore movies this poorly titled. Pity. This movie’s greatness starts with its plot: a Down’s guy goes out on the lam, buddies up with a hard-bitten fisherman, rafts a river,…

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WikChip Video Modern Family with Shia, Dakota & Zach
Perfect 66 Points 2017

Okja [Oak-ja] grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. It’s a perfect movie from shoulder to shank, as pure an experience of cinematic magic as the best of Spielberg. But Spielberg it ain’t. Bong it is — Bong Joon Ho.

The brilliant Korean auteur made Okja in 2017, four years after "Snowpiercer…

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WikChip Video Watch this after the movie.
Run Hide Fight
Really Great 66 Points 2020

Biden voters won’t like Run Hide Fight, a movie about the Trump half of the country. Folks in Trump country eschew victimology. The left obsesses on it. We celebrate lone heroes doing what needs done.

Isabel May as Zoe Hull is a hero who does all that and more when her high school gets attac…

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WikChip Video Backstage Premiere: Run Hide Fight
Really Great 66 Points 2023

J. Robert Oppenheimer is an American hero, flawed like most, resolute when it mattered. The Father of the Atomic Bomb saved countless US Marines, sailors and airmen when his work forced Imperial Japan to surrender short of an amphibious attack on Tokyo. (That would have made Iwo Jima look like …

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WikChip Image The real Einstein & Oppenheimer
The Lives of Ot...
Perfect 68 Points 2006

The Stasi employed 100,000 East Germans, who maintained a network of 200,000 informants, in a country of 16 million people. So roughly 1% of the population controlled the other 99%. Ring any bells America? 1

The Lives of Others, a Stasi romantic drama, was the first perfect movie about t…

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WikChip Video "Do you think we imprison people on a...
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  • Wick – Regarding "galinatwpg's Review":http://www.viewguide...
2 Guns
OK 69 Points 2013

A merely OK movie can still be enjoyable if it’s got something outstanding about it. Primo buddies do the trick in 2 Guns. The rest of the cast and film? Less than stellar and just OK. Plus the title doesn’t help.

2 Guns is too blunt – so 2 speak.

I wanted to bump up my final summa…

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WikChip Image Perfect buddies do their thing in 2 G...
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  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
Perfect 73 Points 1942

The best movie ever is still fresh, funny, romantic and captivating after all these decades. Try it as a date movie, perfect for him and for her. After all, “we’ll always have Paris.”

Casablanca remains important because it transcendently dealt with life-and-death political challenges, nam…

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Casino Royale
Perfect 75 Points 2006

Is there a better Bond movie? From the B&W opening’s clever incorporation of Bond shooting at the camera, to ‘Bond, James Bond’ not coming till the final line, Casino Royale visits the de rigueur touchstones in fresh, inventive ways. Daniel Craig barely cracks a smile or a smirk, yet is funny…

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Apollo 13
Perfect 77 Points 1995

Gripping from start to finish, though the end is never in doubt.

Stands as a testament to American heroism, ingenuity and bravura movie-making.

Tom Hanks – in one of his iconic performances – heads a stellar cast atop their games.

The screenplay introduced not one, but two catchphrases i…

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WikChip Image Haise & Lovell: Right Stuff Real Deal
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  • Wick – Regarding "Randy's Review":
Really Great 78 Points 1958

Hitchcock’s classic thriller, dizzying as ever, still packs enough punch to make girls scream. While tame by the crude standards of the past thirty years, the movie doesn’t lack for intrigue, glamour and surprise.

That said and though Vertigo is widely acclaimed as Hitchcock’s masterpiece, …

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WikChip Image Hey, is that Kim Novak out front?
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